April 2009 Archives by date
Starting: Wed Apr 1 00:56:23 UTC 2009
Ending: Thu Apr 30 23:35:24 UTC 2009
Messages: 149
- [Infowarrior] - 6 stages of Twitter media coverage hell
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Bill Would Federalize Cybersecurity
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - EU wants to track all road vehicles?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: contest: Find The Oldest Known Data Loss Incident!
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - WH Announces New Cybersecurity Advisory Council
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Senators Introduce Comprehensive Cybersecurity Legislation
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - good read -- Turn Off, Tune Out, Drop In
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: [IP] Truly Disturbing TSA Recording
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Robot achieves scientific first
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Sources: Google In Talks To Acquire Twitter
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Comments: Proposed Cybersecurity Legislation
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Amusing Navy password policy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google Maps, alleged terrorist enabler (again)
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google’s Plan for Out-of-Print Books Is Challenged
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Ten business lessons from 'Battlestar Galactica'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Phoenix police raid blogger whose writing is highly critical of them
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Monster Cable at it again...
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Time Warner Unveils 40 GB Bandwidth Cap
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Canada: Deep Packet Inspection site
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Facebook hit by new security concerns over privacy settings
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Profile Police
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Court: Congress can't put public domain back into copyright
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - ICRC report on Guantanamo medical officers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - VA "fusion center": black colleges are node for terrorists
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Gates Rips Heart Out of Army's 'Future'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OZ New National Broadband Network
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Obama DOJ 'new' theory on state secrets
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Groups Warn New Cybersecurity Bill Oversteps
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Electricity Grid in U.S. Penetrated by Spies
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: The Matrix at 10 years
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Video: Inside Google Data Center
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PETA Invading Azeroth
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - France Tries to Limit Internet Piracy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More on....PETA Invading Azeroth
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyberattacks: Scary Stories At Budget Time
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Rick Interview: Risky Business #103 -- Certified or certifiable?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Surprise - French lawmakers reject Internet piracy bill
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More on.....French antipiracy bill failure
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - CA: Phone service sabotaged for thousands
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - EFF: YouTube worse than DMCA
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: Northrop Marketing Video
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Finally, a good use for Twitter
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Just how vulnerable is the electrical grid?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Pirate Bay signs up 113K new anony-service users
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Pentagon preps for economic warfare
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Copyright Harm and The First Amendment
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Akamai Story: From Theory to Practice
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Making a PBX 'botnet' out of Skype or Google Voice?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Goldman Sachs intimidating critical blogger
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Interesting take on bandwidth capping
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Wikileaks posts ACTA working drafts
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Amazon taking a position on GLBT books?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How secure is the U.S. communications network?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 5th RIAA Lawyer to Justice Dept.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OpenSecrets.org Goes OpenData
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 10 easy steps to writing the scariest cyberwarfare article ever
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Amazon Says Error Removed Listings
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - BSA equates software pirates to Somali pirates
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Obama's quest for power and secrecy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - New Foundation Takes Aim at Urgent Threats
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - BC cops think Unix 'prompt commands' is suspicious
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Grassroots Campaign for Canadian DMCA
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PIN Crackers Nab Holy Grail of Bank Card Security
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The ACTA Threat To The Future Of WIPO
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Hello, Streisand Effect
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NSA Intercepts Exceed Limits Set by Congress
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Another reason I don't like the 'cloud' idea
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: John Madden retires
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Navies to guard undersea cable from Somali pirates
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More 'torture memos' released by Administration
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cylab Roundtable on Cybersecurity News Reporting
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Verdict: The Pirate Bay Guilty
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FBI CIPAV in the news
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Control of Cybersecurity Becomes Divisive Issue
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Facebook: Vote on new ToS
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Gov't won't classify proxies as 'sophisticated'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Why I Fired My Broker
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Judge Skeptical Of State Secrets Privilege For NSA/Charity Case
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - US Looks to Hackers to Protect Cyber Networks
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Legal Take on the Google Booksearch Settlement
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - F.B.I. and States Vastly Expand DNA Databases
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Why Google Is The New Pirate Bay
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Federal CTO Picked
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - @ Infowarcon....
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cybersecurity bill goes too far
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - British spy agency searches for real-life `Q'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Army issuing iPod Touch to troops
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Fog of Cyberwar
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Oracle buys Sun for $7.4b cash
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Goldman Sachs Sues Blogger
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - As Costs Fall, Companies Push to Raise Internet Price
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Book: Cyberpower and National Security
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NSA, DOJ, AIPAC, Congress, and wiretapping
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Study: pirates biggest music buyers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - On Macs And Malware
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - SCOTUS Limits Searches of Suspect's Car After Arrest
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Military Command to Focus on Cybersecurity
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Open Security Foundation Wins the SC Magazine 2009 Editor's Choice Award
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: Cassini photos
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Web founder makes online privacy plea
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: [Dataloss] Diary of a Data Breach Investigation
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fun with YouTube's Audio Content ID System
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - A Cyber-Attack on an American City
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - When the FBI Raids a Data Center: A Rare Danger
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Transportation Dept. Reverses FAA on Bird Strike Data
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MySpace CEO Chris DeWolfe Steps Down
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Biden promises 'right person' as new U.S. copyright czar
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber Czar Offers Few Details on Govt. Strategy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Software That Copies DVDs to Players Is on Trial
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Pirate Bay Judge Exposed as Member of Pro-Copyright Groups
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MPAA: Seal our courtroom, please
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DVD Copying Case: Why You Should Care
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Yahoo closing Geocities web hosting service
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Facebook To Adopt New Governing Documents
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Hearing on Deep Packet Inspection
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Hathaway at RSA: Obama Admin's Missed Opportunity
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NSA Chief to Head New Cyber Command
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Rapidshare Shares Uploader Info with Rights Holders
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Lawyer podcast on "Everyone Hates DRM"
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - IBM Program to Take On ‘Jeopardy!’
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - World Privacy Forum's Top Ten Opt Outs
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - G.E.’s Breakthrough Can Put 100 DVDs on a Disc
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Way to go, NYC.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - End the University as We Know It
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Military enlists open source community
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - BBC Rehashes MPAA Propaganda
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - U.S. Plans Attack and Defense in Cyberspace Warfare
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DARPA blimp reaches Phase 3
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Proposal Would Shore Up Govt. Cyber Defenses
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Trademarks to Privatizate the English Language
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - White House Apologizes for Air Force Flyover
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google Public Data
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Warner invokes DMCA against Lessig
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DickensURL
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyberpanic: It Sells
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Security salaries hold up during economic gloom
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Time Warner to Spin Off AOL Division
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Surveillance Effort Draws Civil Liberties Concern
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Panel Warns U.S. on Cyberwar Plans
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Irish proposing crime of "blasphemous libel"
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - XM gripe
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - WH S&T Advisory Council Announced
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Disney gets stake in Hulu
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Cyber Defense Perimeter
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How Powerful Are the Pentagon's Hackers?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cybersecurity Review Sets Turf Battle
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Federal CISOs decry excessive paperwork
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Can the feds buy their way to better cyber security?
Richard Forno
Last message date:
Thu Apr 30 23:35:24 UTC 2009
Archived on: Thu Apr 30 23:35:30 UTC 2009
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).