[Infowarrior] - Fwd: contest: Find The Oldest Known Data Loss Incident!

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Apr 1 12:33:30 UTC 2009

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Shettler <dave at opensecurityfoundation.org>
> Date: March 31, 2009 11:31:54 PM EDT
> To: "dataloss at datalossdb.org" <dataloss at datalossdb.org>
> Subject: [Dataloss] contest: Find The Oldest Known Data Loss Incident!
> Announcing our first ever contest, generously sponsored by CREDANT,
> AON TechShield, Arcsight, ITAC Sentinel, and StrikeForce Technologies,
> Inc.
> Find and submit the oldest data loss incidents you can, and you might
> get some great prizes in the process!
> See this link for full contest details:
> http://datalossdb.org/oldest_incidents_contest
> First, a little history about the competition: In 2005, the Open
> Security Foundation launched the Oldest Vulnerability contest for one
> of our other projects, the Open Source Vulnerability Database, and
> from it came vulnerabilities dating back as far as 1965.
> Submissions will be accepted starting at midnight CST, April 1st, 2009
> through 11:59pm CST, May 15th, 2009.
> Incidents must have resulted in a breach of Personally Identifiable
> Information (PII). Specifically, incidents must have resulted in the
> loss of one or more of the below:
>   * Social Security Numbers (or National ID)
>   * Credit Card Numbers
>   * Bank Account Numbers
>   * Medical Records
> First Prize goes to the oldest incident found, and consists of:
>   * A Mac Mini - Valued at $599.00
>   * $250.00 USD American Express Gift Card
>   * Plus More...
> There are also second and third prizes, so please visit:
> http://datalossdb.org/oldest_incidents_contest
> If you have any questions about this contest that are not answered on
> the contest page or in this email, please contact curators at
> datalossdb.org
> With that said, please DO NOT REPLY DIRECTLY TO THIS EMAIL.  Mail the
> curators@ address.  All replies to this email or sent to the dataloss@
> address will be rejected, quite possibly with a snarky comment,
> finger-pointing, and giggling.
> _______________________________________________
> Dataloss Mailing List (dataloss at datalossdb.org)
> CREDANT Technologies, a leader in data security, offers advanced  
> data encryption solutions.
> Protect sensitive data on desktops, laptops, smartphones and USB  
> sticks transparently
> across your enterprise to ensure regulatory compliance.
> http://www.credant.com/stopdataloss

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