[Infowarrior] - Sources: Google In Talks To Acquire Twitter

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Apr 3 13:14:32 UTC 2009

Sources: Google In Talks To Acquire Twitter (Updated)
by Michael Arrington on April 2, 2009

Here’s a heck of a rumor that we’ve sourced from two separate people  
close to the negotiations: Google is in late stage negotiations to  
acquire Twitter. We don’t know the price but can assume its well, well  
north of the $250 million valuation that they saw in their recent  

Twitter turned down an offer to be bought by Facebook just a few  
months ago for half a billion dollars, although that was based  
partially on overvalued Facebook stock. Google would be paying in cash  
and/or publicly valued stock, which is equivalent to cash. So whatever  
the final acquisition value might be, it can’t be compared apples-to- 
apples with the Facebook deal.

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