September 2010 Archives by subject
Starting: Wed Sep 1 07:06:32 CDT 2010
Ending: Thu Sep 30 17:31:37 CDT 2010
Messages: 138
- [Infowarrior] - 'Appalled' Pa. gov. shuts down reports on protests
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 'Pre-crime' Comes to the HR Dept.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 4chan DDoS Takes Down MPAA and Anti-Piracy Websites
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 9 Years After 9/11, Public Safety Radio Not Ready
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - A Field Guide to Copyright Trolls
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - A New Name for High-Fructose Corn Syrup
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - ACTA Text Leaks: U.S. Concedes on Secondary Liability, Wants To Go Beyond DMCA on Digital Locks
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Aggressive Alzheimer’s Disease Gene Discovered, Scientists Say
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - An Open Letter From Internet Engineers to the Senate Judiciary Committee
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Anti-Google campaign on privacy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Anti-Piracy Outfit Threatens To DoS Uncooperative Torrent Sites
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Appeals Court Tells ASCAP: A Download Is Not A Performance
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Appeals Court: First-Sale Doctrine doesnt apply to software
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Apple in 873-page legal claim to word 'Pod'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Arrr, antivirus!
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Astronomers Discover 'Class M' Planet
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - At U.S. Cyber Command, an army of tech-savvy war fighters
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Behind the Censorship of Operation Dark Heart
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Book Review: HOMEROOM SECURITY
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Book: 'News Online: Transformations and Continuities'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Canadian Government Muzzling Scientists
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Checkpoint resorts to scare tactics
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - China's Great (Quantum) Leap Forward
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - CIA used 'illegal, inaccurate code to target kill drones'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Citigroup invokes DMCA -- but the document lives usual
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Code That Tracks Users’ Browsing Prompts Lawsuits
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - COICA delayed for now
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Courts May Require Search Warrants for Cell Phone Location Records
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber Command chief proposes secure network for government, key industries
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber Command Defines Its Mission
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber security challenge organisers in email privacy blunder
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber Storm III uses Internet to attack itself
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber takes centre stage in Israel's war strategy
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber Task Force Passes Mission to Cyber Command
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyber-Attack Deploys In Israeli Forces
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cyberspace Spawns a New Fog of War
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DHS Cybersecurity Watchdogs Miss Hundreds of Vulnerabilities on Their Own Network
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DHS to test iris scanners
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Did Internet founders foresee future filled with paid, prioritized traffic?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DOC RFC: Global Free Flow of Information on the Internet
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Does the Digital Classroom Enfeeble the Mind?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Ebyline Wants to Create an iTunes for Journalism
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - EU Surveillance Studies Disclosed By Pirate Party
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - EU: Global ‘internet treaty’ proposed
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Facebook users 'are insecure, narcissistic and have low self-esteem'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Family's Titanic secret revealed
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FBI Drive for Encryption Backdoors Is Déjà Vu for Security Experts
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FCC OKs white spaces for long-range free wireless
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Felten: Understanding the HDCP Master Key Leak
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Film industry hires cyber hitmen to take down internet pirates
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FISA Court Proposes New Court Rules
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Former NSC Official Criticizes Cyber Security Policies
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - From $44 To $4 In Less A Second: Today's Flash Crash
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: [IP] I Love the Smell of the First Amendment Being Shredded...
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: Android apps surreptitiously phone home with user location data
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: APPLE-SA-2010-09-01-1 iTunes 10
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: German face of Wikileaks steps down in anger
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: Insightful commentary "The Internet Freedom Fallacy and the Arab Digital activism"
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Geekish Password Lessons
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google Says Brazil, Libya Make Most Demands to Pull Content From Internet
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - GPU-Assisted Malware
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Hackers reveal an IOS 4.1 jailbreak
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - HDCP Encryption/Decryption Code
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - HDCP Master Key Leaked / Calculated?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Hello MPAA, I'm a Pirate
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - History of the Internet and the Digital Future (release date)
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Idiotic Copyright QOTD
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - IE: A Loophole Big Enough for a Cookie to Fit Through
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - IHOP Sues IHOP Over IHOP Trademark
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Intel + DRM: a crippled processor that you have to pay extra to unlock
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Intel Confirms HDCP Master Key for Blu-ray Is Real
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Intel's walled garden plan to put A/V vendors out of business
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Internet Wiretapping Proposal Met With Silence
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Iran confirms massive Stuxnet infection of industrial systems
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Judge puts hammer down on Hurt Locker P2P subpoena
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Judge Rejects Gov't Request For Cell Tower Data, Noting Recent 4th Amendment Rulings
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Koppel OpEd: Nine years after 9/11, let's stop fulfilling bin Laden's goals
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Lawmakers want power to shut down 'pirate sites'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Malicious computer worm launched at industrial targets
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Massive Cache of Iraq War Docs to Be Published by WikiLeaks
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - McAfee Jumps On The URL Shortening Bandwagon
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MD state police videotaping claim dismissed
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Military Seeks to Buy 10, 000 Copies of Book of Secrets
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Mirror: HDCP Master Key
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More TSA/UA stupidity
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Movie Producers Want Sole Ownership Of Facebook Fans
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MS DRM scheme vulnerabilities
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NBER offers the idiotic statement of the year
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NC sheriffs want lists of patients using painkillers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Net Neutrality Compromise Being Weighed by U.S. Lawmakers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - New German ID cards easily hacked
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - New lawsuit to challenge laptop searches at U.S. border
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - New lows among smartphones
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Of Two Minds About Books
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT but interesting: Germany finally pays off WWI debt
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: Fla. minister cancels burning of Qurans on 9/11
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: Health Care observation
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - OT: Relignoramus
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Pentagon's craziest Powerpoint Slide
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PG&E's secret pipeline map
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PIR: Cell phones and American adults
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Pirate Bay down, police raids across Europe
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Police say IPhones can store a treasure trove of incriminating evidence
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Potential Twitter Privacy Problem
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - rant: 7 Ways That I Can Tell That the Security Industry Bores Me
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Retargeting Ads Follow Surfers to Other Sites
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - RIAA Claims That If COICA Isn't Passed, Americans Are 'Put At Risk'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Rickrolling Countermeasures
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Russia Uses Microsoft to Suppress Dissent
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - School for Hackers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - SCOTUS Eyeing RIAA ‘Innocent Infringer’ Case
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Security absurdity: US in sensitive information quagmire
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Seeing The Internet As An 'Information Weapon'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - SemiOT: Gossip Machine for Versailles on the Potomac
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Skyhook: Google Wanted Access to Our Data
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Sony Targets PS JailBreak, PSFreedom and PSGroove PS3 Hacks
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Speaking of Books
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Stop the Internet Blacklist!
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Subpoenas for Internet users
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - T-Mobile Claims Right to Censor Text Messages
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Bomb Chroniclers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The red pill of Alzheimer's: Would you take it?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The ties that bind at the Federal Reserve
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - This applies to infosec certifications, too
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Twitter breaks story on Discovery Channel gunman
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Twitter Rolls Out Fix for Security Flaw
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - UK Anti-Piracy Firm E-mails Reveal Cavalier Attitude Toward Legal Threats
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - US ISP Claims DMCA Requires They Disconnect Users
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - USG wants ALL foreign money transfers reported to it
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Virginia court: Police can use GPS to track suspect
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Waddell & Reed E-Mini Trades Said to Help Trigger May 6 Crash
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - WH Asking Registrars To Voluntarily Censor 'Infringing' Sites
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - WH Blocks release ACTA trade text
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - White House reviews nation's cybersecurity
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Wikileaks is an Extremist Website
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - William Gibson op-ed on Google
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Wiretapped phones, now Internet?
Richard Forno
Last message date:
Thu Sep 30 17:31:37 CDT 2010
Archived on: Thu Sep 30 17:31:45 CDT 2010
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).