[Infowarrior] - Hackers reveal an IOS 4.1 jailbreak

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Sep 9 09:04:01 CDT 2010

Hackers reveal an IOS 4.1 jailbreak

Steve Jobs will need more than a software fix for this one
By Lawrence Latif
Thu Sep 09 2010, 14:19        

JUST HOURS after Apple released the latest version of its Iphone operating system, coders have managed to figure out ways to jailbreak it.

The Iphone Dev team had already said a while back that it had started to put all its effort on jailbreaking IOS 4.1 and it seems that Apple might have trouble plugging the security hole this time around. Talented hackers have managed to get around Apple's restrictions by exploiting a hole in the boot ROMs of Apple's Iphone and Ipod Touch devices.

As this is a boot ROM exploit, IOS is not in the loop, with one developer having already confirmed that the hack works on Iphones that run IOS 4.1. The upshot of this is that a simple firmware update will be unlikely to patch things up and this could mean that Apple will be forced to modify its hardware should  it want to stop jailbreaking.

Various Iphone hackers have confirmed the viability of the latest jailbreaking exploit, meaning that it won't be long before a 'production release' hits the Internet. It makes you wonder about Apple's technical prowess, given the restrictions that it likes to put on the Iphone. But who's to complain? After all, Apple's incompetence is its users' gain.

This time it looks like Apple won't be able to merely release another software patch to cover up its failings. µ

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