GameFan Is the Cure to All of Life's Problems
Article: Ditch Your Operating System and Buy a SA MoFOS Now!

By: Bezzy

Tired of the crash-prone and unreliable service of Windows? Exhausted from Linux's lack of universal driver support? Frustrated by having to use a Mac just to run MacOS? Well ditch all those crappy OSs, Something Awful is offering, for the first time ever, the exclusive MoFOS for your personal computer! What exactly is MoFOS? Simply put, it is an incredible new operating system brought to you by the magic of Hollywood, as seen in many famous "hi-tech" films and movies! Forget Linux's versatility, MacOS's user friendliness, and Window's blue screen of death. MoFOS (Movie Fake Operating System) more than makes up for your lack of computer skills and / or IQ by providing a number of built in features that no other current OS can offer:

"Blind Me" Monitor Mode

Allow your friends to easily read the computer screen by simply looking at your face!

Bundled with MoFOS is our new and improved monitor mode. In addition to actually displaying graphics on the screen in a 400,000 watt glow, it also projects the image onto the back wall of your eye (the retina) and face (the flesh covering your head). This not only "looks really cool", but also provides a useful service by reproducing the picture of the screen on your face for others to see. The warm, burning effect of the monitor on your retinas means you will be able to see your computing experience on every wall, floor and surface for the next two days. Comes in several modes including "Tan", "Medium Rare", "Singe", and "Lobotomy". This screen mode is backed by over two doctors (doctorates given in balloon animal creation).

Advanced Hacker's Tools

Our OS allows access to even the most top-secret of confidential documents!

Ever wanted to be a super cool hacker like the ones in the films? Want to impress all the girls with your out-of-date yet "subversive" phreaking techniques, but think that it's too much of a bother to learn? Don't give up, our pre-made hacking tools are perfect for any occasion - whether it's credit card fraud, or hacking the Pentagon! You can trust our tools to make all passwords irrelevant (it finds back doors automatically) and safely keep you away from IRCops! (InfraRed Cops - they are like CyberCops, but they have night vision).

Of course, no real hackers use GUI's like us normal people, so you have to type out commands on a black screen with a green, DOS-like prompt. Here's an example:

COMMAND:> <8|_4|-|8|_4|-|/\/\34|\|1|\|6|_355|\||_|/\/\83|25>
COMMAND:> Hack Bill Clinton, Washington, America, EARTH
Bill Clinton has been successfully Hacked. HE IS PLOTTING A WAR!!!

That's right! No more cumbersome and confusing ips needed, just type in your target and get thousands of top secret pages on bombs and drugs and shit. By the way, passwords are always "sex", "god", "Ferrari", or the name of the person's mistress. ALWAYS.

Instant Internet Cyberspace Connection

One easy step and you're in "Cyberspace"!

When you watched "Tron" for the first time and saw the "Internet", didn't it make you feel like it was actually a good film? Didn't you wish that you could cruise through this colorful, dynamic new world? Well, the future is now with MoFOS! Just connect to AOL with your modem, then peer close at your screen (squinting helps) and you'll instantly be in CYBERSPACE! Take some time to explore this new universe. Look in awe at your fractally generated surroundings where everything is wibbly wobbly! FANTASTIC! In your travels you will undoubtedly see other MoFOS users floating around the Internet's psychedelic-graph paper intestinal tracts . You can interact with them - touching, groping, and even sexual intercourse are all possible in this "Virtual" world - and force feedback (provided by fibre optical cables) means you will feel everything without the need for cumbersome body suits.

WARNING: Spending too much time in Cyberspace will digitize your body and you will become part of the mainframe database science cycle and your body will disappear, and then all the phones will start ringing or something.

WARNING: Watch out for badly drawn CG spikey balls. They are probably not good and will kill you. THEY ARE VIRUSES! If you die in Cyberspace, you die in real life. The death signals go straight to your brain and your body disappears or a trickle of blood dribbles from the corner of your mouth.

Virtual Reality File System

Attempt to delete those cumbersome files with fun, exciting, 30 minute procedures! You'll be on "The Edge" of your seat!

Well FUCK! Updating your files and shit is remarkably boring in other OSs. However, MoFOS has done some very innovative and ingenious work on new file managing programs. Rather than clicking on a file and then pressing the dull "del" key, you can now put on CyberGoggles and roam around your computer's floppy drive, somewhat like cyberspace (but it's different because it's not the Internet). Once in the computer's hard disk, you can shoot files to delete them. People we tested this on got a bit trigger happy so we decided that once the files are shot,they wouldn't actually be deleted. This is great because you'll never accidentally delete a file again, ensuring you won't lose that important speech about nuclear power or the world's first cold fusion reactor! We are still working on the file creation process, and it will be addressed in MoFOS 2.0. It may involve "CyberCopulation" with other files.

Next Page: Much, Much More!