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NMRC Partners and Advisory Board

Here at NMRC, we strive to break the old security paradigms, think outside the box, and provide synergistic new pinnacles of heightened market awareness. By relying on a virtual neural network of security and consulting brainpower, we fully expect to exceed expectations imposed upon our economy by lesser minds who do not yet grasp the full capability of our desires to achieve excellence.

In keeping with that trend plainly outlined in the previous paragraph, we would like to announce our list of Strategic Partners:

In addition, we have formed an Advisory Board of industry visionaries, prolific mavens, and other retro-egalitarian profiteers to guide us to pre-IPO financial harmonyism. Here are the Advisory Board members with a brief quote of support from each one:

"I think this move for NMRC is great. I once saw a moose. Do you have a sandwich?"
Marcus Ranum's signature