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About Us - Your NMRC Team

Chief Executive Officer - Simple Nomad
"NMRC is to the security industry what realdoll.com is to prostitution -- mechanical, legal, and expensive."

Executive Vice President - Grace Clovia Terre
"NMRC is like a sassy version of Foundstone, except we look awfully goddamned good in black."

Chief Financial Officer - Sioda an Cailleach
"We are the Enron of security, except for the bankruptcy part."

Chief Operating Officer - hellNbak
"No fee is too large, and we plan to prove that."

Chief Hacking Officer - Russ Cooper
"I have always been an elite hacker. This move justifies every post I've made to NTBugTraq."

Vice President, Consulting Division - Cask3t
"Consulting, like, you know, is really cool and stuff."

Vice President, Research and Development - Ring Zero
"Your bottom line is our bottom line."

Director, North America Operations (Consulting) - Phuzzy Logik
"Your company is full of holes. We are here to exploit them."

Director, European Operations (Consulting) - Inertia
"We love all of Europe. Even the fucking French."

Director, Pacific Rim Operations (Consulting) - Cyberiad
"You think a lot of Korean boxes are owned right now? Wait until we are finished with them."

Director, Advanced Biomedical Developments (R&D) - Tanshiai
"We don't say if we could clone your IT department, we say when ."

Director, Advanced Robotics and AI (R&D) - Daaihliuh
"Even our IRC bots are more intelligent than your average MCSE. Which isn't saying much, but you get the idea."

Director, Monkey and Dolphin Implants (R&D) - jrandom
"Controlling primates and intelligent marine life is the first logical step to world domination. I mean, think about it."

Director, Weapons Development and T-Shirt/Mugs/Mousepads (R&D) - Weasel
"There is nothing like a biotech weapon with an NMRC logo on it. It just says 'quality'."

"I think this move for NMRC is great. I once saw a moose. Do you have a sandwich?"
Marcus Ranum's signature