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Services We Offer

With NMRC's years of organized hacking efforts, we can safely say that if you are a company with a large budget for IT, you need our services. There are dozens of security firms out there, but NMRC stands above all of them, on a shining translucent off-white glass pillar of integrity, truth, justice, and moral superiority.

Strategically positioned to catapult your company into the technosphere, NMRC will unshackle your potential as a cost center, move you forward onto a plateau of security, and cling to you in times of need with the subserviance you only dream of in the cataclismic roller-coaster ride of corporate life.


At NMRC we will use our years of experience in bypassing corporate rulebooks and policies to get you what you need -- the budget within your own company to pay our consulting fees. Our consulting is based upon one principle -- providing a false sense of security in a senseless world. Whether your concerns involve coding, B2B applications, policy revision, IDS testing, firewall management, new technology deployment, programmer apathy, encryption, security testbeds, corporate-wide honeynet installations, or just plain and simple consulting, we are the best company for the job.

Penetration Testing

Our hallmark is our hacking skills. There is not a company on the planet we cannot compromise. At NMRC, we can not only test your company's security for holes, we go one step further and test your competitors and corporate enemies for security holes. Corporate espionage is a way of life this millenia -- get on board! Our years of avoiding legal entanglements through a series of ground-breaking loophole exploitation allows us to do this without breaking any laws. No other security company can even offer this. Our army of corporate lawyers, corrupt public officials, and well-placed government moles make this a dream a reality.


NMRC is considered by many in the computer security industry to be the Kathy Lee Gifford of outsourcing. We have teams of programmers located around the globe working on nothing but your code -- and at a fraction of the cost of programmers found in U.S. companies. NMRC is all about globalism -- and by employing coders in foreign countries you are helping not only your bottom line, but helping ours as well. Plus, thousands of overseas programmers will be earning literally pennies a day. God was certainly right when he blessed America and made Democracy the one true vision for the New Age of TechnoEnlightment. NMRC can show you the way.

"I think this move for NMRC is great. I once saw a moose. Do you have a sandwich?"
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