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    Current Cyberarmy Time: Monday, 01-Apr-2002 06:04:00 GMT    
    31 Mar 2002:Class canceled
    Becuase of troubles with the teahcers isp we have been forced to cancel the The IIS 5.0 setup class, we will move the class to another time. We deeply apologize for this

    - By Ker. elektroz

    31 Mar 2002:Brigade Tool
    Some of you may noticed the new
    of Marshal TheGame. You can use it to find free jobs in our brigades.
    If you have suggestions for the improvment then please post in the Brigades Forum
    about it. Feedback is welcome.

    - By Mar. CHi

    30 Mar 2002:Brigade Recruiting Post
    In the future please post all recruiting post to
    Recruitings Posted on other boards will be deleted.

    - By Ker. digitaldemon

    29 Mar 2002:CAU IIS 5.0 Class
    The University's IIS 5.0 Administration class is being held on Saturday and Sunday, 7 PM and 12 AM GMT in #class. For those who cannot make it, logs will be posted.

    - By Ker. elektroz

    quote of the minute:

    Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably parked.

    mission (red division):

    Proposition #2102 - Internet Freedom / Privacy: The US government wants laws so that all software and hardware needs a "bug" inside it. This will not make life easy for software writers and people that want to share anything over the net. I reccommend then people read this and if you decide to take action, then mail this address and tell the government what you think. Proposed for sh4rp of RR communications.
    (proposed by CinC. Wang)

    (mission completed 168 times)
    NB: click here to suggest and vote on future missions. If you have an idea that needs more research, please visit Red Communications.
    Poll: "Why don't you join a CyberArmy Brigade" (Mar. CHi)
    Brigades don't make sense to me. 35 or 7%
    I'm only interested in Zebulun Games. 32 or 6%
    Bad experiences with my former C/O. 31 or 6%
    Got no time for brigades. 172 or 34%
    What are Brigades 240 or 47%
       Previous Polls 
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