
CyberArmy NetFreedom Donation

CyberArmy is completely supported by its visitors and donations. We have been very lucky in having visitors who are very generous and who have donated countless thousands of hours of free programming time, and tens of thousands of dollars to cyberarmy's hosting, hardware and software. Without these generous people and donations of time, hardware, and money, CyberArmy would not be here.

Your Financial Support

If you feel are able to support cyberarmy financially, we gladly accept donations through paypal. At this time, this is the best way to donate money. Your donation is handled by PayPal, and for your security, data is sent using the Secure Sockets Layer protocol (SSL) with an encryption key length of 128-bits (the highest level commercially available). Please choose which office you want to donate to (central or the usa server office) and click the appropriate button:

Make payments with PayPal - it's fast, free and secure!
(donate to central command): support general administration of cyberarmy. internic fees, scripts, etc.
(donate to usa office / server hosting): support hosting costs. these are significant costs, and without which cyberarmy would be forced to shut down.

Your Hardware Support

If you have any unused hardware, our usa office, MassiveISP.net, would put it back into active service.  Please contact chaos@massiveisp.net to offer anything or get postage details.  New or used hardware for sale will also be considered.

Your Time Support

Of course, your support in time and effort is always appreciated! To contribute to the CyberArmy cause in the best way, we suggest that you join a brigade.

CyberArmy Merchandise

If you weren't already aware, cyberarmy has a large range of merchandise available. We don't make much from this stuff, but it really helps to get the cyberarmy name out there, the t-shirts and caps look really good, and we get a few dollars for each sale. Visit the store.

What your contributions are used for

CyberArmy is not a profit making corporation - any contributions you make in hardware or finance are used towards our objectives. Any hardware donations will go to massiveisp generally, to support them as they have donated server space to CyberArmy. Financial donations will be used as required to support bandwidth bills and related cyberarmy objectives and costs.

Send Us a Postcard!

Even if you cant afford anything, but if you get something from cyberarmy, please consider sending us a postcard! It means a lot to know the site is appreciated, and if we get to the point to thinking 'well, lets shut this stupid site down', then we get a nice postcard, it really makes us think... well, lets keep it going for a bit longer. We like to get postcards which say where you are from and have a picture of your town or city. Please send a 'hello' to:

central command:
PO Box 319
Rundle Mall
SA 5000

Recent Donations

Include your name on your paypal donation to be recognised here.
Soldier: Donated: (USD)
sirhcv $175
dragonxhero $100
Scan Jack $75
cy4lock $50
Shepherd $50
mezz $40
kiat $40
quothRaven $30
Abatis $20
ll7dmd $20
Ch8ind $30
kefaka $20
Nithwa $20
tarkemneo $10
eyrill $20
diogenes $50
Goliath $20
AardWolf $25

This does not overlook those that have made major contributions in the past and those that continue to do so.  All of CyberArmy is built and exists upon the hard work and contributions of those that have shared the vision of it's future.  I hope that the names of those that lend their worthy time and efforts to administration, development, hosting, and leadership of CyberArmy stand on their own merit. 


Current Cyberarmy Time: Monday, 01-Apr-2002 06:04:00 GMT    
31 Mar 2002:Class canceled
Becuase of troubles with the teahcers isp we have been forced to cancel the The IIS 5.0 setup class, we will move the class to another time. We deeply apologize for this

- By Ker. elektroz

31 Mar 2002:Brigade Tool
Some of you may noticed the new
of Marshal TheGame. You can use it to find free jobs in our brigades.
If you have suggestions for the improvment then please post in the Brigades Forum
about it. Feedback is welcome.

- By Mar. CHi

30 Mar 2002:Brigade Recruiting Post
In the future please post all recruiting post to
Recruitings Posted on other boards will be deleted.

- By Ker. digitaldemon

29 Mar 2002:CAU IIS 5.0 Class
The University's IIS 5.0 Administration class is being held on Saturday and Sunday, 7 PM and 12 AM GMT in #class. For those who cannot make it, logs will be posted.

- By Ker. elektroz

quote of the minute:

Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably parked.

mission (red division):

Proposition #2102 - Internet Freedom / Privacy: The US government wants laws so that all software and hardware needs a "bug" inside it. This will not make life easy for software writers and people that want to share anything over the net. I reccommend then people read this and if you decide to take action, then mail this address and tell the government what you think. Proposed for sh4rp of RR communications.
(proposed by CinC. Wang)

(mission completed 168 times)
NB: click here to suggest and vote on future missions. If you have an idea that needs more research, please visit Red Communications.
Poll: "Why don't you join a CyberArmy Brigade" (Mar. CHi)
Brigades don't make sense to me. 35 or 7%
I'm only interested in Zebulun Games. 32 or 6%
Bad experiences with my former C/O. 31 or 6%
Got no time for brigades. 172 or 34%
What are Brigades 240 or 47%
   Previous Polls 
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commands: internal command | capf | cyberarmy intelligence | cyberarmy academy | cyberarmy public relations | exploit research | irc security | open source institute | privacy commission | project-x | ready response | zebulun zine | Cyber Army Gallery | CPC-Zine