The Cyberarmy Voting Booth Archives
Poll: "If you would buy a CyberArmy T-Shirt, what size would it have to be?" (Mar. Kaladis)
S 13 or 4%
M 38 or 12%
L 108 or 33%
XL 139 or 42%
XXL 32 or 10%

Poll: "What brand should the T-Shirts be?" (Mar. Kaladis)
Hanes (Beefy-T's) 156 or 86%
Jerzees 18 or 10%
B+C 0 or 0%
Screen 8 or 4%

Poll: "how old are you?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
less than 12 7 or 1%
12 to 16 111 or 21%
16 to 20 189 or 36%
20 to 25 112 or 21%
25 to 30 51 or 10%
more than 30 57 or 11%

Poll: "What's your gender?" (Mar. Kaladis)
male 1439 or 91%
female 150 or 9%

Poll: "Before starting any new IT project, i use.....?" (Gen. D-Cypell)
A pen and paper to jot my ideas down 81 or 19%
A standard diagram system/tool 10 or 2%
A few minutes of quiet reflection on the task 62 or 14%
The force 279 or 65%

Poll: "How many languages can you code in?" (Mar. xenographic)
I can code in many languages. 108 or 20%
I can code in a couple languages. 227 or 41%
I only know one programming language. 81 or 15%
I think I have a compiler, somewhere... 26 or 5%
I don't really know how to code. 109 or 20%

Poll: "What do you think about the midi music on the main Zebulun level pages?" (Mar. chawmp)
I love it, keep it 64 or 13%
I don't mind it, do whatever 92 or 19%
It's awful, get rid of it 338 or 68%

Poll: "What IRC network would you like cyberarmy to be on?" (Mar. A1B4)
Dalnet 102 or 35%
Axenet 38 or 13%
Some other IRC Network 150 or 52%

Poll: "In the future i would like my cyberarmy promotions to be decided based on...?" (Gen. D-Cypell)
The current zebulun challenges 160 or 48%
My brigade performance as judged by my C/O 8 or 2%
My brigade performance as judged by my peers 5 or 1%
A promotions board 5 or 1%
All of the above 157 or 47%
Other (please email gen+ with ideas) 0 or 0%

Poll: "In the future i would like my cyberarmy promotions to be decided based on...?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
The current zebulun challenges 239 or 73%
Doing a challenge AND being approved by your C/O 90 or 27%

Poll: "do you ever answer poll questions?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
yes 423 or 76%
no 135 or 24%

Poll: "If CA were to offer tutes or courses on security would you sign up? held by qualified staff with coursework etc. for a monthly $5 subscription." (Gen. yosh1)
yes 962 or 81%
no 226 or 19%

Poll: "is there ever a valid reason to deface a website?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
yes 639 or 83%
no 133 or 17%

Poll: "is there ever a valid reason to deface a website?" (Mar. xenographic)
No. 160 or 42%
No, it harms the internet. 10 or 3%
No, I don't want to go to jail. 14 or 4%
No, there are better ways to spread my message. 133 or 35%
If I say 'no' I won't get to be a l33t h4X0r :( 63 or 17%

Poll: "Do you see a need for a international internet-law with respect to fighting illegal stuff such as child pornography effectivley?" (Mar. Kaladis)
Yes 977 or 73%
No 364 or 27%

Poll: "Do keep your personal or home computer secure with the latest security patches?" (Mar. xenographic)
Yes, I get every patch as it comes in. 87 or 15%
Yeah, I get all patches sooner or later. 191 or 32%
No, I don't really care about it's security. 40 or 7%
No, I don't know where to look / what to do. 17 or 3%
I run windows; it's pointless to do so. 223 or 38%
What is a security patch? 32 or 5%

Poll: "do you like the new promotion system for captains and above?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
strongly like it 90 or 15%
like it 110 or 19%
dislike 41 or 7%
strongly dislike 349 or 59%

Poll: "What is your oppinion of the new colors on the wwwboard?" (CinC. ov3rlord)
[x] they really bite 9 or 12%
[x] i dont read the wwwboard 4 or 5%
[x] hey... this is kinda psykadelic 47 or 60%
[x] This coloring system has markedly improved my life experience 18 or 23%

Poll: "What is your oppinion of the new colors on the wwwboard?" (Mar. Kaladis)
I don't like them 93 or 14%
It's equal to me 100 or 15%
I like them 465 or 71%

Poll: "Are you a c/c++/assembler coder?" (Mar. Kaladis)
Yeah, I can code in all three languages easily 65 or 12%
Yes, I'm quite good in two of those 91 or 17%
Yes, I can code in one language of those 142 or 27%
Yes, I'm quite good with the alphabet and am able to say the alphabet until c 223 or 43%

Poll: "If CyberArmy branches out to offer more or better services, which would you want the most or want us to concentrate on?" (Mar. xenographic)
Something like elance.com [tech job hunting] 8 or 1%
More tutes/education [eg. CyberArmy Univ.] 406 or 70%
More fun challenges [eg. get Z8 up NOW!] 64 or 11%
Better free email [more like hushmail] 4 or 1%
More activism groups [eg. CAPF] 25 or 4%
I have better ideas [mail us] 9 or 2%
I don't really know. 7 or 1%
All of the above. 52 or 9%
Nothing at all. 3 or 1%

Poll: "How much do you know about the Perl programming language?" (Mar. xenographic)
I'm clueless; isn't Perl spelled with an 'a'? 42 or 37%
I could write 'hello world' using the man page. 31 or 27%
I understand most of the basics. 27 or 24%
I use regexes and all kinds of modules. 8 or 7%
I write practically *everything* in Perl. 0 or 0%
My one-liners aren't restricted to 80 columns. 6 or 5%

Poll: "is the new promotion system for captain + working?" (CinC. pengo)
yes 114 or 14%
no 206 or 25%
huh? 505 or 61%

Poll: "Which distro is your favorite?" (Mar. xenographic)
I don't have unix 0 or 0%
I use a BSD variant instead 0 or 0%
Slackware 0 or 0%
Red Hat 0 or 0%
Debian 0 or 0%
Other 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which distro is your favorite?" (Mar. xenographic)
I don't have unix 259 or 22%
I use a BSD variant instead 98 or 8%
Slackware 115 or 10%
Red Hat 406 or 34%
Debian 80 or 7%
Other 245 or 20%

Poll: "how many hours of sleep per week?" (Mar. wa1800z)
less then 7 49 or 6%
between 7 and 15 50 or 6%
between 15 and 21 101 or 12%
more then 21 464 or 53%
sleep? 206 or 24%

Poll: "Are you :" (Gen. 51)
A zebulun player 0 or 0%
Truly involved in a brigade 0 or 0%
Both 0 or 0%
Neither, I only read the public boards 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Are you :" (Gen. 51)
A zebulun player 316 or 58%
Truly involved in a brigade 43 or 8%
Both 131 or 24%
Neither, I only read the public boards 55 or 10%

Poll: "Do you think Napster is good or bad?" (CinC. pengo)
MP3 files should always be public domain 581 or 85%
trading MP3 files is always bad for the artists 31 or 5%
sometimes its okay, sometimes not 75 or 11%

Poll: "all information on the web should be public domain?" (CinC. pengo)
all data should be free (MP3, warez, business docs) 288 or 20%
software / muzak free, but not confidential things 1024 or 72%
MP3's, software, confidential info must be protected 112 or 8%

Poll: "What is your opinion of the current design for mess-hall moderation?" (Gen. ion6ix)
I think it should stay how it is. (more authority with rank) 0 or 0%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority and taken away from the command functions of the ranks.' 0 or 0%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority with stricter punishments for abusers. (No change to command functions.) 0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. ion6ix)

Poll: "What is your opinion of the current design for mess-hall moderation?" (Gen. ion6ix)
I think it should stay how it is. (more authority with rank) 0 or 0%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority and taken away from the command functions of the ranks. 0 or 0%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority with stricter punishments for abusers. (No change to command functions.) 0 or 0%
I say we do away with message boards and brigades all-together. 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What is your opinion of the current design for mess-hall moderation?" (Gen. ion6ix)
I think it should stay how it is. (more authority with rank) 117 or 73%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority and taken away from the command functions of the ranks. 13 or 8%
I think the current board moderator brigade should be given more authority with stricter punishments for abusers. (No change to command functions.) 26 or 16%
I say we do away with message boards and brigades all-together. 4 or 2%

Poll: "" (Gen. drkplague)

Poll: "Which distributed computing project would you like to see Cyberarmy participate in?" (Gen. drkplague)
Breaking RC5 Encryption (Distributed.net) 0 or 0%
Cancer Research (United Devices) 0 or 0%
Search for ET Life (SETI@Home) 0 or 0%
All of the Above. 0 or 0%
I won't give up my idle cycles! 0 or 0%
What's distributed computing? 0 or 0%

Poll: "Which distributed computing project would you like to see Cyberarmy participate in?" (Mar. wa1800z)
Breaking RC5 Encryption (Distributed.net) 153 or 23%
Cancer Research (United Devices) 93 or 14%
Search for ET Life (SETI@Home) 64 or 10%
All of the Above. 311 or 47%
I won't give up my idle cycles! 27 or 4%
What's distributed computing? 20 or 3%

Poll: "What do you think of the NSA working to secure Linux?" (Mar. xenographic)
I dunno, this is news to me. 226 or 48%
I trust them--they *know* their security. 0 or 0%
It's legit, but I'll still grep for an NSA_Key... 45 or 10%
If they did it wrong, someone would deface NSA.gov! 14 or 3%
I'm suspicious, I want others to audit it first. 188 or 40%
I don't trust them--it *has* to be a trick. 0 or 0%

Poll: "What do you think of the NSA working to secure Linux" (Mar. xenographic)
I dunno, this is news to me. 375 or 29%
I trust them--they -know- their security. 45 or 4%
It's legit, but I'll still grep for an NSA_Key... 48 or 4%
If they did it wrong, someone would deface NSA.gov! 30 or 2%
I'm suspicious, I want others to audit it first. 507 or 40%
I don't trust them--it -has- to be a trick. 278 or 22%

Poll: "how did you first hear of cyberarmy.com" (CinC. pengo)
friend told you 414 or 45%
a search engine 154 or 17%
news story (CNN, ZDNet, etc) 19 or 2%
a link from other site / top50 192 or 21%
other... 139 or 15%

Poll: "Would you like to get a weekly CyberArmy newsletter with Zebulun, Brigarde, Security and Internet related news" (Gen. corneli0us)
Yes, I like this idea! 926 or 85%
Maybe, but i'd like to find out more! 73 or 7%
No, I wouldn't like to get a newsletter. 85 or 8%

Poll: "do you like the new server" (CinC. pengo)
Yeah, heaps better and faster! 194 or 43%
No, i prefer the old one. 23 or 5%
Well, this is faster, but there are bugs everywhere. 232 or 52%

Poll: "" (Gen. dimplesx)

Poll: "" (Gen. dimplesx)

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CyberArmy Chapter in your state/country" (Gen. keoki)
Yes,I would be interested 0 or 0%
No, not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested 3 or 100%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested 5 or 83%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
1 or 17%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
Maybe, would like more information 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. keoki)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. keoki)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes,I would be interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. keoki)
Yes, I am interested 0 or 0%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. keoki)
Yes, I am interested 2 or 100%
No, I am not interested 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. dimplesx)

Poll: "Would you be interested in a Local CA Chapter in your state/country Possibly having a Annual Convention where all the Local Chapters meet once a year" (Gen. dimplesx)
Yes, I am interested. 654 or 88%
No, I am not interested. 89 or 12%

Poll: "Would you be interested in expanded services (ie. webspace, email, shells) for a SMALL monthly charge, with 'basic' services remaining free Considering that this monthly charge would cover the operating costs of the CA network." (Mar. ion6ix)
Yes, I would be interested in a shell acct. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in expanded webspace. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in expanded email services. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in ALL of the above. 0 or 0%
No, I will only ever use free services. 0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Mar. ion6ix)

Poll: "Would you be interested if CA were to offer EXPANDED services (ie. webspace, shells, email) for a SMALL montly fee This revenue would cover the monthly operating costs of cyberarmy.com and purchase new equipment to keep our network growing." (Mar. ion6ix)
Yes, I would be interested in expanded web-hosting. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in pop3/smtp, anonymous email services. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in shell services. 0 or 0%
Yes, I would be interested in ALL of the above. 0 or 0%
No, I will only ever use the free services. 0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you be interested if CA were to offer EXPANDED services (ie. webspace, shells, email) for a SMALL monthly fee. This revenue would cover the monthly operating costs of cyberarmy.com and purchase new equipment to keep our network growing." (Mar. ion6ix)
Yes, I would be interested in expanded web-hosting. 32 or 4%
Yes, I would be interested in pop3/smtp, anonymous email services. 33 or 5%
Yes, I would be interested in shell services. 50 or 7%
Yes, I would be interested in ALL of the above. 148 or 21%
No, I will only ever use the free services. 451 or 63%

Poll: "like the new menu (right click any cyberarmy page)" (CinC. pengo)
yeah, heap cool 475 or 80%
nah, its causing browser bugs 42 or 7%
nah, i just dont like it 77 or 13%

Poll: "The new popup menu should be" (Gen. redeemer)
left click 0 or 0%
right click 0 or 0%
double left click 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. redeemer)

Poll: "The new popup menu should be" (Gen. redeemer)
left click 53 or 5%
right click 229 or 23%
double left click 696 or 71%

Poll: "If a Cyberarmy Convention/Dinner was to be held in Los Angeles, California and I were given 3 months notice I would attend." (Gen. parad0x)
True, I'd love to attend. 0 or 0%
False, I can't get to the western United States 0 or 0%
False, why would we want a convention 0 or 0%

Poll: "If a Cyberarmy Convention/Dinner was to be held in Los Angeles, California and I were given 3 months notice I would attend." (Gen. parad0x)
True, I'd love to attend. 0 or 0%
False, I can't get to the western United States 0 or 0%
False, why would we want a convention 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "If a Cyberarmy Convention/Dinner was to be held in Los Angeles, California and I were given 3 months notice I would attend." (Gen. parad0x)

Poll: "I see CyberArmy as:" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) Great. Together we can do anything. 0 or 0%
b.) A great place that could use a little reform 0 or 0%
c.) A once great place that is failing and needs major reform. 0 or 0%
d.) A failure and waste of time 0 or 0%
e.) Nothing. 0 or 0%

Poll: "I see CyberArmy as:" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) Great. Together we can do anything. 0b.) A great place that could use a little reform or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "I see CyberArmy as:" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) Great. Together we can do anything. 0 or 0%
b.) A great place that could use a little reform 0 or 0%
c.) A once great place that is failing and needs major reform. 0 or 0%
d.) A failure and waste of time 0 or 0%
e.) Nothing. 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "I see CyberArmy as:" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) Great. Together we can do anything. 399 or 28%
b.) A great place that could use a little reform 733 or 52%
c.) A once great place that is failing and needs major reform. 145 or 10%
d.) A failure and waste of time 84 or 6%
e.) Nothing 42 or 3%

Poll: "I see CyberArmy as:" (Gen. corneli0us)
a.) Great. Together we can do anything. 0 or 0%
b.) A great place that could use a little reform 0 or 0%
c.) A once great place that is failing and needs major reform. 0 or 0%
d.) A failure and waste of time 0 or 0%
e.) Nothing 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "I think that our anti-cheater measures are:" (Gen. corneli0us)
a.) Effective and dont need change 0 or 0%
b.) Working well but need to be reviewed 0 or 0%
c.) Are not working at all 0 or 0%

Poll: "How often do you click on ad-banners" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) more than once a day 0 or 0%
b.) 1-5 times weekly 0 or 0%
c.) 1-5 times monthly 0 or 0%
d.) almost never 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "How often do you click on ad-banners" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) more than once a day 0 or 0%
b.) 1-5 times weekly 0 or 0%
c.) 1-5 times monthly 0 or 0%
d.) almost never 0 or 0%

Poll: "How often do you click on ad-banners" (Mar. ion6ix)
a.) more than once a day 7 or 3%
b.) 1-5 times weekly 15 or 6%
c.) 1-5 times monthly 15 or 6%
d.) almost never 203 or 85%

Poll: "How long you been in cyberarmy" (Mar. wa1800z)
over 2 years 93 or 14%
like a year or so 165 or 24%
6 months 111 or 16%
recently joined 305 or 45%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CyberArmy Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop/ Rap 0 or 0%
Trance/ Techno 0 or 0%
House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CyberArmy Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop/ Rap 0 or 0%
Trance/ Techno 1 or 100%
House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)

Poll: "What kind of sound should CyberArmy Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)

Poll: "What kind of sound should CyberArmy Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CA Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CA Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CA Radio broadcast mainly " (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What kind of sound should CA Radio broadcast mainly" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Hip Hop, Rap 0 or 0%
Trance, Techno, House 0 or 0%
Rock 0 or 0%
Pop 0 or 0%
Oldies (60'-70') 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)

Poll: "What bit of cyberarmy do you USE most often" (CinC. pengo)
Search Engine (/search) 51 or 5%
WWWboard (/wwwboard) 110 or 12%
Portal / homepage (/portal) 126 or 13%
Lists (/lists) 84 or 9%
Top50 (/t-50) 38 or 4%
Zebulun challenges (/zebulun) 528 or 56%

Poll: "" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)

Poll: "What kind of sound should CyberArmy Radio broadcast mainly (CHiCoSTo)" (Gen. axem)
Hip Hop, Rap 346 or 15%
Trance, Techno, House 796 or 34%
Rock 1062 or 45%
Pop 43 or 2%
Soul, Funk 37 or 2%
Jazz 67 or 3%

Poll: "How old are you" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Between 12-15 728 or 17%
Between 16-18 1212 or 28%
Between 18-21 841 or 19%
Between 21-25 662 or 15%
Between 25-30 406 or 9%
Over 30 (30+) 477 or 11%

Poll: "how long have you been visiting cyberarmy" (CinC. pengo)
just saw it today 134 or 31%
been here a few weeks 65 or 15%
been here a few months 78 or 18%
almost a year, i guess 64 or 15%
more than a year 98 or 22%

Poll: "Do you currently use any Encryption software for your e-mail or instant messages" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Yes, I use the PGP plugin for my e-mail and ICQ. 0 or 0%
Yes, I use PGPi for e-mail, etc. 0 or 0%
Yes, I use non-PGP encryption. 0 or 0%
Why would I need to use encryption 0 or 0%
No way. It's a pain to use, slows me down. 0 or 0%
Encryption What do you mean 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Do you currently use any Encryption software for your e-mail or instant messages" (Gen. CHiCoSTo)
Yes, I use the PGP plugin for my e-mail and ICQ. 72 or 8%
Yes, I use PGPi for e-mail, etc. 85 or 10%
Yes, I use non-PGP encryption. 53 or 6%
Why would I need to use encryption 156 or 18%
No way. It's a pain to use, slows me down. 423 or 49%
Encryption What do you mean 77 or 9%

Poll: "What laguages would you like to see CyberArmy content translated into (puzzle games, tutorials, articles, and other such content)" (Mar. MrYowler)
French 563 or 19%
German 402 or 14%
Russian 142 or 5%
Other 361 or 12%
Don't bother, English is enough 1509 or 51%

Poll: "How often do you come to CA" (Gen. infected)
Everyday 331 or 52%
Once a week 31 or 5%
Once a month 17 or 3%
Whenever I feel like it 252 or 40%

Poll: "how many router interfaces can a switch have" (Gen. hempie)
1 23 or 5%
10 11 or 2%
a zillion 17 or 4%
n=n+1 21 or 4%
NONE, it's a switch silly!! 344 or 72%
What's a router 24 or 5%
what's a switch 38 or 8%

Poll: "what can cyberarmy mostly do with now" (CinC. pengo)
more getting involved (brigades, rank split, etc) 567 or 78%
smoother, neater design, top-bar 6 or 1%
more features, sections, tools 100 or 14%
more feedback / communication with higer ranks 30 or 4%
more personalised interface 24 or 3%

Poll: "Why is keoki gay" (Gen. infected)
He never leaves his computer 0 or 0%
He has a fake online girlfriend 3 or 33%
Don't Know, Don't Care 4 or 44%
He is all talk 1 or 11%
It must be the shoes 1 or 11%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Why is keoki lame" (Gen. infected)
He never leaves his computer 0 or 0%
He has a fake online girlfriend 0 or 0%
That l33t way he just idles and logs everyone 0 or 0%
He is all talk 0 or 0%
It must be the shoes 0 or 0%
He logs in under fake names to make fun of people 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Mar. ion6ix)

Poll: "What do you think would be the best response to the recent aircraft crash-bombings, in the United States" (Mar. MrYowler)
Fix everything and continue as normal 30 or 7%
Build a memorial and continue as normal 17 or 4%
Go to war with whoever did it 297 or 70%
Forgive and forget 14 or 3%
Move to Mars :) 67 or 16%

Poll: "What do you think of the new CyberArmy navigation bar" (Mar. MrYowler)
Love it! 45 or 10%
Like it... 196 or 45%
Eh. 105 or 24%
Dislike it... 30 or 7%
Hate it! 28 or 6%
What's a navigation bar 27 or 6%

Poll: "Which continent are you live in" (Mar. ion6ix)
Europe 0 or 0%
Asia 0 or 0%
North America 0 or 0%
South America 0 or 0%
Africa 0 or 0%
Australia 0 or 0%
Antarctica 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which continent do you live in" (Mar. ion6ix)
Europe 1160 or 41%
Asia 217 or 8%
North America 1107 or 39%
South America 84 or 3%
Africa 59 or 2%
Australia 157 or 6%
Antarctica 47 or 2%

Poll: "If Cyberarmy was to start a hosting and shell service would people be interested" (Mar. Yoshi)
Yes 0 or 0%
No 0 or 0%
Maybe 0 or 0%
I have no money 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "If Cyberarmy was to start a hosting and shell service would people be interested" (Mar. Yoshi)
Yes 270 or 25%
No 30 or 3%
Maybe 63 or 6%
I have no money 646 or 61%
What does that do 54 or 5%

Poll: "whats wrong with our advertising buttons (no one is buying cyberarmy advertising)" (CinC. pengo)
buttons too small 0 or 0%
too expensive ($99/mo) 0 or 0%
not enough detail about cyberarmy hits, etc 0 or 0%
too hard to make a button 0 or 0%
I cant use PayPal 0 or 0%

Poll: "whats wrong with our advertising buttons (no one is buying cyberarmy advertising)" (CinC. pengo)
buttons too small 37 or 4%
too expensive ($99/mo) 606 or 71%
not enough detail about cyberarmy hits, etc 77 or 9%
too hard to make a button 19 or 2%
I cant use PayPal 112 or 13%

Poll: "What would YOU like to see next on CA" (Gen. hempie)
Paid subscriptions 0 or 0%
The Ranksplit 0 or 0%
more tutorials 0 or 0%
more cool missions 0 or 0%
more/better challenges 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What would YOU like to see next on CA" (Gen. hempie)
Paid subscriptions 8 or 2%
The Ranksplit 94 or 23%
more tutorials 198 or 49%
more cool missions 22 or 5%
more/better challenges 65 or 16%
more brigades 14 or 3%

Poll: "Who would you consider "The People's General"" (Gen. booto)
booto 28 or 10%
axem 146 or 55%
dimplesx 38 or 14%
keoki 27 or 10%
think12 28 or 10%

Poll: "What do you think of the new brigade awards system" (Mar. Wang)
Brilliant 32 or 8%
Good idea, but needs more work 303 or 80%
Bad Idea 15 or 4%
Terrible 27 or 7%

Poll: "What is your position on the banning of officers who make racist comments" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)
Ban the bastards! 0 or 0%
Give them a 'racist badge' instead of a ban. 0 or 0%
Treat them as racists get treated. 0 or 0%
No banning at all, free speech all the way! 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "What is your position on the banning of officers who make racist comments" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)
Ban the bastards! 0 or 0%
Give them a 'racist badge' instead of a ban. 0 or 0%
Treat them as racists get treated. 0 or 0%
No banning at all, free speech all the way! 1 or 100%

Poll: "What is your position on the banning of officers who make racist comments" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)
Ban such people! 0 or 0%
Try to change this view firstly before banning. 0 or 0%
Give them a 'racist badge' instead of a ban. 0 or 0%
Treat them as racists get treated. 0 or 0%
No banning at all, free speech all the way! 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)

Poll: "What is your position on the banning of officers who make racist comments" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)
Ban such people 0 or 0%
Try to change this view firstly before banning 0 or 0%
Give them a 'racist badge' instead of a ban 0 or 0%
Treat them as racists get treated 0 or 0%
No banning at all, free speech all the way 0 or 0%

Poll: "What is your position on the banning of officers who make racist comments" (Mar. CHiCoSTo)
Ban such people 0 or 0%
Try to change the rascistic view before banning 0 or 0%
Give them a 'racist badge' instead of a ban 0 or 0%
Treat them as racists get treated 0 or 0%
No banning at all, free speech all the way 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Who Would Attent A Cyberarmy Gathering" (Gen. bouncer18)
I would attend regardless. 0 or 0%
I would if it was close to where i live. 0 or 0%
I would not attend. 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "" (Gen. bouncer18)

Poll: "Would you teach for the Cyberarmy University (Ker. Shepherd)" (Gen. axem)
Yes!! 193 or 18%
Yes, i just need to know the procedures 124 or 11%
No 65 or 6%
Maybe, but I need more information about teaching 375 or 34%
What is the Cyberarmy University 332 or 30%

Poll: "Would you use your WAP device to access an XML version of CyberArmy.com" (Gen. ToTaL)
Hell Yes! 18 or 20%
Yeh I think so 6 or 7%
Maybe 11 or 12%
Not so sure 9 or 10%
Never! 48 or 52%

Poll: "" (Mar. bouncer18)

Poll: "New CA Challenges" (Mar. bouncer18)
Yes! Its about time we had a reset 0 or 0%
Yes! New challenges, but i want to keep my rank 0 or 0%
No way! i am not doing this all over again 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you like to see new challenges" (Mar. bouncer18)
Yes, and reset everyones rank too! 0 or 0%
Yes, but i dont want to work for my rank again 0 or 0%
No Way! I have had enough with CA challenges 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you like to see new challenges" (Mar. bouncer18)
Yes, and reset everyones rank too! 0 or 0%
Yes, but i dont want to work for my rank again 0 or 0%
No Way! I have had enough with CA challenges 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Would you like to see new challenges" (Mar. bouncer18)
Yes, and reset everyones rank too! 154 or 34%
Yes, but i dont want to work for my rank again 278 or 62%
No Way! I have had enough with CA challenges 20 or 4%

Poll: "" (Gen. kombat)

Poll: "Do you think board admin should be..." (Gen. deepthought)
A right, given to people who obtain sufficient rank 0 or 0%
Restricted to Board moderators only 0 or 0%
Restricted to Z8+ only 0 or 0%

Poll: "Do you think board admin rights should be..." (Gen. deepthought)
A right, given to people of sufficient rank 0 or 0%
Restricted to Board moderators only 0 or 0%
Restricted to Z8+ only 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Do you think board admin rights should be..." (Gen. deepthought)
A right, given to people of sufficient rank 0 or 0%
Restricted to Board moderators only 0 or 0%
Restricted to Z8+ only 0 or 0%

Poll: "Do you think board admin priviledges should be..." (Gen. deepthought)
A right, given to people of sufficient rank 0 or 0%
Restricted to Board moderators only 0 or 0%
Restricted to Z8+ only 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Do you think board admin priviledges should be..." (Gen. deepthought)
A right, given to people of sufficient rank 575 or 75%
Restricted to Board moderators only 129 or 17%
Restricted to Z8+ only 64 or 8%

Poll: "Have you bought your shell at http://cashells.massiveisp.net/ to support CA" (Gen. think12)
Yes I have @!~~ 0 or 0%
Not a chance :[ 0 or 0%
I'm broke : 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Have you bought your shell at http://cashells.massiveisp.net/ to support CA" (Gen. think12)
Yes I have @!~~ 36 or 6%
Not a chance :[ 84 or 15%
I'm broke : 452 or 79%

Poll: "Cyberarmy 2003 girls calander, raising money for Cyberarmy. http://www.cyberarmy.com/wwwboard/messages/16210.shtml What do you think..." (Gen. deepthought)
I'm male and I would buy one 251 or 19%
I'm male and I would think about buying one 684 or 53%
I'm male and I think the idea sucks 238 or 18%
I'm female and I would like to be in it 47 or 4%
I'm female and I would buy one 20 or 2%
I'm female and I think the idea sucks 55 or 4%

Poll: "How fast does CA load to you" (Gen. think12)
Really fast 129 or 21%
Kind of fast 345 or 56%
So so 107 or 17%
Little slow 16 or 3%
Very slow 19 or 3%

Poll: "Has your thumb ever been numb" (Gen. pandect)
Yes, and for over a week. 39 or 10%
Only for a day or two... 90 or 23%
No. 40 or 10%
What the heck 218 or 56%

Poll: "" (Mar. keoki)

Poll: "Which is your choice of preference" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 1 or 100%
Linux kernel 0 or 0%

Poll: "Which do you think is better" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 0 or 0%
Linux kernel 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which do you think is better" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 0 or 0%
Linux kernel 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which do you think is better" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 0 or 0%
Linux kernel 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which do you think is better" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 0 or 0%
Linux kernel 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which do you think is better" (Mar. keoki)
BSD kernel 60 or 29%
Linux kernel 149 or 71%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default Linux 0 or 0%
Default QNX 0 or 0%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default GNU/Linux 0 or 0%
Default QNX 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default GNU/Linux 0 or 0%
Default QNX 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default GNU/Linux 0 or 0%
Default QNX 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default GNU/Linux 0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which OS do you think performs better" (Gen. ViRsOveRiD)
Default FreeBSD 0 or 0%
Default OpenBSD 0 or 0%
Default GNU/Linux 0 or 0%
0 or 0%

Poll: "Which of these languages is your MOTHER tounge" (Gen. hempie)
german 163 or 9%
english 809 or 47%
french 198 or 11%
spanish 168 or 10%
other 389 or 23%

Poll: "Which of these OSes is the OS you use most often " (Mar. ReDeeMeR)
Windows 1204 or 69%
Linux 371 or 21%
BSD 67 or 4%
Solaris/Sun OS 18 or 1%
Mac 64 or 4%
Other 22 or 1%


Current Cyberarmy Time: Monday, 01-Apr-2002 06:04:00 GMT    
31 Mar 2002:Class canceled
Becuase of troubles with the teahcers isp we have been forced to cancel the The IIS 5.0 setup class, we will move the class to another time. We deeply apologize for this

- By Ker. elektroz

31 Mar 2002:Brigade Tool
Some of you may noticed the new
of Marshal TheGame. You can use it to find free jobs in our brigades.
If you have suggestions for the improvment then please post in the Brigades Forum
about it. Feedback is welcome.

- By Mar. CHi

30 Mar 2002:Brigade Recruiting Post
In the future please post all recruiting post to
Recruitings Posted on other boards will be deleted.

- By Ker. digitaldemon

29 Mar 2002:CAU IIS 5.0 Class
The University's IIS 5.0 Administration class is being held on Saturday and Sunday, 7 PM and 12 AM GMT in #class. For those who cannot make it, logs will be posted.

- By Ker. elektroz

quote of the minute:

Anybody who doesn't cut his speed at the sight of a police car is probably parked.

mission (red division):

Proposition #2102 - Internet Freedom / Privacy: The US government wants laws so that all software and hardware needs a "bug" inside it. This will not make life easy for software writers and people that want to share anything over the net. I reccommend then people read this and if you decide to take action, then mail this address and tell the government what you think. Proposed for sh4rp of RR communications.
(proposed by CinC. Wang)

(mission completed 168 times)
NB: click here to suggest and vote on future missions. If you have an idea that needs more research, please visit Red Communications.
Poll: "Why don't you join a CyberArmy Brigade" (Mar. CHi)
Brigades don't make sense to me. 35 or 7%
I'm only interested in Zebulun Games. 32 or 6%
Bad experiences with my former C/O. 31 or 6%
Got no time for brigades. 172 or 34%
What are Brigades 240 or 47%
   Previous Polls 
links: main | portal | links | lists | discussion | free webspace email | cyberarmy irc | merchandise | about | jesus | zebulun | donate | report bug | chain of command | brigades faq
commands: internal command | capf | cyberarmy intelligence | cyberarmy academy | cyberarmy public relations | exploit research | irc security | open source institute | privacy commission | project-x | ready response | zebulun zine | Cyber Army Gallery | CPC-Zine