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Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

From: 'The Promise' by Starhawk

Greetings and Bright Blessings!

Welcome to my 'casa' on the Web. I will strive to give you a basic understanding of Stregheria (Italian Witchcraft) : its' many dieties, beliefs, traditions and festivals. I have found Raven Grimassi's books 'Ways of the Strega' and 'Wiccan Mysteries' to be an good source of information. I also wish to thank my friend Lev in Bologna for providing me with more insight. There are different traditions of Stregheria : Janarra, Tanarra, Fanarra, Aridian, Silvani, Benandanti, Luperci, Cavellini, Umbreani, Italian Fairy, Sicilian Fairy, Nemaic, Trinacrian and probably many more.

I would suggest that for a more in depth look at Stregheria, the consumer should locate a copy of 'Ways of the Strega' by Raven Grimassi. The tradition presented by Raven Grimassi in this book is a 'blending' of Stregheria material and Wicca, resulting in the Aridian tradition. The material cited from 'Ways of the Strega' and 'Wiccan Mysteries' is protected by copyrights held by Raven Grimassi, and that permission to use any of it must be granted by the author.

Witchcraft is the 'craft of the witch'. For me, the roots of Witchcraft can be found throughout Italy in the tradition of Stregheria, the Old Religion. Witches and Wiccans are concerned with conservation and ecology. Witches believe that both animate and inanimate objects possess a spirit (numen) that links it to nature and makes it an undeniable part of the universe. It is important to note that magick is natural. There is nothing supernatural about it. As a Witch I would use such things as a wand of wood, a sea shell, a pentacle made of a flat rock, herbs, amulets, omens and chants. When I call the elements I might use: for North: stones; East: feathers; South: shells; West: scissors. North is Earth therefore I use something that to 'me' signifies the earth. East is Air so I use feathers to 'fan' the air around me. South is Fire so I use a shell is symbolize the 'spirit bowl' of Aradia in which the ever-burning flame is lit. West is Water so I would use scissors to symbolize the tides coming in and out of the ocean, much as the scissors open and close. The power comes from within -- it is not in the tools. Our ancestors knew how to use it effectively, but it is a largely forgotten art in modern times.

You would be very hard pressed to find a Witch or Wiccan anywhere who would blindly follow anyone else. We are historically very independent people who seek truth from within through rituals, meditation, studying and communing with nature. We respect the right of everyone to worship in their own way. My only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief. I do not feel that Witchcraft (or Wicca) is the only way -- only that it is my way.

Neither Witchcraft nor Wicca is synonymous with Satan or Devil worship. The very concept of a supreme evil spirit is alien to Witches; we do not worship any being known as "Satan" or "the Devil", as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the suffering of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only be denial to another. The notion that Witches worship Satan was produced by the Roman Catholic Church as they made their way across Europe, in an effort to suppress the native earth-based religions prevalent at the time. They succeeded to the extent that they drove the practitioners of these religions underground where much of their knowledge and traditions were lost. Through the work of the many pagan organizations, as well as anthropological and archeological research, many of these traditions have been rediscovered and incorporated into Neo-Paganism, a generic term for most modern earth-based and shamanistic religions.

Witches do not fly on brooms. We drive cars, walk or ride bikes, although I have often wished for a flying broom when I'm in a hurry! There are many rituals which include brooms, and these may be the source of the flying-broomstick stories. It is also common for a ritual broom to be used for protection and banishment. The Strega were always portrayed as riding on the backs of goats unlike the witches of Northern Europe who were portrayed as riding on broomsticks.

My favorite goddess is Hera (I know, she's a Greek Goddess !!), however I have been drawn to her most of my life. Her symbol is the peacock (which you will see on my pages) and it is also the symbol of Uni, the Etruscan Goddess of Witchcraft (protector of cities and the women who resided within). Peacock feathers are very beautiful; there are many different kinds of feathers on just one bird besides the most obvious 'eye' feathers: striped wing feathers, blue and green neck feathers, angora- fluffy feathers, long grey tail feathers, iridescence in the eye feathers and on other wing and neck, the tiny crown feathers on the head, just to mention a few.

Those who walk the path of a Witch/Wiccan/Pagan walk it for a lifetime. It is not an easy path to walk in this country that has freedom of religion, although I'm not sure exactly which religion is free. You have been given a physical body; you may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period this time around. You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called 'life'. Every day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid. There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error. Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain lessons. You are always learning: if you think you 'know' it all, think again!! You have all the tools and resources you need; what you do with them is up to you.

These are my personal beliefs, be true to your own. Each of us has to follow our own path. Please read on with an open mind and heart, and please sign my guestbook and leave me your comments.

May the Goddess and God protect and bless you.

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Last Updated: October 23, 1999
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