Charge of Aradia

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Whenever you have need of anything, once in the month when the Moon is full, then shall you come together at some deserted place, or where there are woods, and give worship to She who is Queen of all Witches. Come all together inside a circle, and secrets that are as yet unknown shall be revealed.

And your mind must be free and also your spirit and as a sign that you are truly free, you shall be naked in your rites. And you shall rejoice, and sing; making music and love. For this is the essence of spirit, and the knowledge of joy.

Be true to your own beliefs, and keep to the Ways, beyond all obstacles. For ours is the key to the mysteries and the cycle of rebirth, which opens the way to the Womb of Enlightenment.

I am the spirit of witches all, and this is joy and peace and harmony. In life does the Queen of all witches reveal the knowledge of Spirit. And from death does the Queen deliver you to peace and renewal.

When I shall have departed from this world, in memory of me make cakes of grain, wine, and honey. These shall you shape like the Moon, and then partake of wine and cakes, all in my memory. For I have been sent to you by the Spirits of Old, and I have come that you might be delivered from all slavery. I am the daughter of the Sun and the Moon, and even though I have been born into this world, my Race is of the Stars.

Give offerings all to She who is our Mother. For She is the beauty of the GreenWood, and the light of the Moon among the Stars, and the mystery which gives life, and always calls us to come together in Her name. Let Her worship be the ways within your heart, for all acts of love and pleasure gain favor with the Goddess.

But to all who seek her, know that your seeking and desire will reward you not, until you realize the secret. Because if that which you seek is not found within your inner self, you will never find it from without. For she has been with you since you entered into the ways, and she is that which awaits at your journey's end.

From: 'The Ways of the Strega' by Raven Grimassi
(Copyright by Raven Grimassi 1995, permission to reprint must be granted by author)

Here are my thoughts on the 1st few sentences of the Charge of Aradia:

"Whenever you have need of anything.."

This would seem to tell us we can gather (either as a solitary or a group) in Her name when we truly have a need: perhaps a healing, special requests from a person or group. I don't think I need a special reason or need to acknowledge the Goddess or God. I do a daily devotional in the morning and again before going to bed. I may not have a need, other than to greet and say hello to Her.

"...once in the month when the Moon is full.."

We must gather at least at the times of the full Moon.

"Then you shall come together at some deserted place, or where there are woods..."

We need to gather in one of Natures places: woods, meadows, forest; where ever we can be in touch with nature and away from distractions. Being outside, under the stars, or in the rain, in the snow, it brings us closer to Nature. It made me appreciate our Earth more and see the real beauty of what surrounds us in Nature. On page 245 of 'Ways', we are told in the Words of Aradia: 'Nature is the Great Teacher. Observe the ways of Nature. Respect nature. Nature teaches life.'

"...and give worship to She who is Queen of all Witches."

This instructs us to give due thanks and praise to the Goddess. She takes many forms: Mother, Maiden, Enchantress, Crone. She also has many names. In the Myth of Diana (page 263 of 'Ways'), She was 'the first created before all creation' ; She 'came upon the Earth and instructed mankind in the ways of magick and sorcery' ; and She 'became the mother of Aradia'.

"..secrets that are as yet unknown shall be revealed."

Well, I don't know if they are exactly secrets, but perhaps a remembering. Being outside and close to Nature lets us see with 'new' eyes what nature truly is. To me, its the Earth, the Sky, the Stars, the Sun, the Moon, the trees, the animals, the rivers, the oceans.

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© 1997, 1998, 1999 Fabrisia, reprints not allowed without permission

Last Updated: March 7, 1999
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