May 2015 Archives by date
Starting: Fri May 1 06:19:28 CDT 2015
Ending: Sun May 31 20:00:15 CDT 2015
Messages: 91
- [Infowarrior] - America’s Police Will Fight the Next Riot With These Stink Bombs
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 'Patriot' Act Faces Revisions Backed by Both Parties
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MPAA: piracy sites must shut within 24 hours
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FAA: Boeing 787 bug could cause 'loss of control'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More Excuses on the 'Patriot' Act
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Internet power grab: The duplicity of ICANN
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MPAA Funds Pro-Copyright Scholars to Influence Politics
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Inside the Military-Police Center That Spies on Baltimore's Rioters
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Is the news behaving more like advertising?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 9th Circuit judges rip into Prenda law copyright trolling scheme
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Media finally realizes TPP secrecy is not helping things
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Canada's 'Patriot' Act nears passage
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How the NSA Converts Spoken Words Into Searchable Text
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Lawmakers in France Move to Vastly Expand Surveillance
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - USBKill turns thumb drives into computer kill switches
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 11USCoA: Warrantless cellphone tracking not illegal search
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Why the USA Freedom Act Is Both Desperately Important and Laughably Pathetic
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - No More Patch Tuesday
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - IOActive researcher being DMCA'd for findings
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Europe Will Abolish Geo-Blocking and Other Copyright Restrictions
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Why crypto backdoors are unreasonable
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Welcome to the New Age of Counterinsurgency Policing
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - ICWatch: 27K intelligence community resumes
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - 2CoA: NSA phone program illegal
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Germany 'restricts spy cooperation with NSA'
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - More on 2USCoA decision on bulk records collection
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Of Snowden and the NSA, only one has acted unlawfully – and it’s not Snowden
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google Said Ready to Give Android Users More Privacy Controls
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Republicans put plans to reauthorise Patriot Act on hold after court ruling
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Only Two Republicans Admit They Actually Read Secret Obama Trade Deal—Both Unsupportive
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Security firm accused of extorting clients
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Citizens rise up against corrupt media
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - (Former) Rep Mike Rogers' New Bully Pulpit
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Your cyberpunk games are dangerous
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Obama Plan to Stop Foreign Hackers Has Mixed Results
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - These Clueless Politicians Are The Ones Determining If The NSA Gets To Keep Spying On All Of Us
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - “Controlled Unclassified Information” Is Coming
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - GAO: The Future of Internet Governance: Should the U.S. Relinquish Its Authority Over ICANN?
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - CIA’s Jeffrey Sterling Sentenced to 42 Months for Leaking to New York Times Journalist
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Ed Felten joining WH OSTP
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Verizon to buy AOL for $4.4 billion
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FBI violated its own rules while spying on Keystone XL opponents
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Firefox 38 Arrives With DRM Required To Watch Netflix
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Google: Hangouts doesn’t use end-to-end encryption
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Bamford: Why NSA surveillance is worse than you’ve ever imagined
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - BitTorrent Launches Bleep Chat To The Masses, Uses No Cloud
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Senate Dems block TPP
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Calling BS on “We Support Strong Encryption”
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Many of the NSA’s Loudest Defenders Have Financial Ties to NSA Contractors
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The 10 biggest lies you’ve been told about TPP
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Flight Attendants Lost Their Tantrum Suit
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - BBC braces for the fight of its life
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - U.S. To Run Out Of Internet Addresses By Summer
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - (repost) TPP's Looming Effects on U.S. Copyright Laws
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: referral: book reviews
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FBI says police can disclose Stingray use, but not what they can do
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Cue the local PD backlash...
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Russia to ditch Android and iOS with own NSA-proof Linux-based software
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - MS says pens, paper, chalkboards unfair to students
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Letter to POTUS on crypto access
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - I’ve Read Obama’s Secret Trade Deal. Elizabeth Warren Is Right to Be Concerned.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Senate voting on 'USA FREEDOM' after all
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PBS Frontline tonight: Secrets, Politics and Torture
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NSA Planned to Hijack Google App Store to Hack Smartphones
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - A Chatty Squirrel: Privacy and Security Issues with UC Browser
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How Fox News Changed American Media and Political Dynamics
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - US proposes tighter export rules for computer security tools
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - FBI’s Use Of Controversial Patriot Act Section Is Expanding
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Classifying Embarrassment
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Firefox Will Show Ads Based On Your Browsing History
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DOJ lays down some privacy rules for feds flying drones
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Regarding the Politics of Surveillance
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Silent Circle relocates to Switzerland
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - The Air Force Can Use an Electromagnetic Pulse to Kill Enemy Computers
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - PATRIOT Panic begins to set in on Capitol Hill
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Mitch McConnell Will Do Just About Anything Not to Vindicate Edward Snowden
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Apple ditching discoveryd, returns to mDNSResponder
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - IRS Data Breach
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - A Simple Text Can Crash Messages on any iPhone
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - DiFi's Section 215 'reform' makes everything worse
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Disney Warned Fusion Not To Do News Coverage That Might Embarrass It Or Others In Hollywood
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - TISA: Yet Another Leaked Treaty You've Never Heard Of
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - First Look Publishes Open Source Code To Advance Privacy, Security, and Journalism
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Fwd: [IP] John Gilmore on ICANN.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - NYT fear-mongering on the 'PATRIOT' Act
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How Airlines Turned Your Vacation Plans Into a Losing Bet
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Because, security.
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Senate advances NSA reform — but program to lapse at midnight
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Patriot Act powers to lapse at midnight as Senate fails to agree on NSA reform
Richard Forno
- [Infowarrior] - Don’t Worry, the Government Still Has Plenty of Surveillance Power If Section 215 Sunsets
Richard Forno
Last message date:
Sun May 31 20:00:15 CDT 2015
Archived on: Sun May 31 20:00:16 CDT 2015
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).