[Infowarrior] - Mythbusters segment on RFID vulns suppressed by credit card companies

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Aug 30 21:46:24 UTC 2008

Here we go again.....gods forbid we show the world (again) how bad  
RFID security is.   We can't let anyone know these chips may (and do)  
have problems, can we? After all, all these newfangled national ID  
cards and passports and credit cards now use RFID chips, right?  We  
don't DARE want folks to know these documents have  
vulnerabilities....it might be embarrasing or force us to rethink our  
entire notion of "security".     These folks are idiots.  Again.  -rf

Credit card companies successfully nixed a Mythbusters segment  
exposing RFID's security flaws, according to Arbiter of Truth and  
Mythbusters co-host, Adam Savage.

< - >


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