[Infowarrior] - Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Dec 26 10:11:49 EST 2006

Pelosi says no to C-SPAN request on floor proceedings
Associated Press
Article Launched: 12/22/2006 04:38:28 PM MST

WASHINGTON -- Speaker-to-be Nancy Pelosi cited the need to preserve the
''dignity and decorum'' of the House as she rejected a request Friday that
C-SPAN operate its own cameras in covering the chamber.

The public service network has provided gavel-to-gavel television coverage
of House proceedings since 1979. But the House leader has kept control of
the cameras, with coverage generally limited to tight shots of the speaker
or the podium.

The situation is similar in the Senate, which C-SPAN has televised since

C-SPAN's chairman and chief executive told Pelosi, D-Calif., that under this
arrangement, cameras are prevented ''from taking individual reaction shots
or from panning the chamber, leaving viewers with an incomplete picture of
what's happening in the House of Representatives.''

Brian Lamb wrote Pelosi on Dec. 14 that media cameras long have been
permitted to cover committee hearings and that for a dozen years or more
independent cameras have been allowed into the chamber for joint sessions
and joint meetings in the House.

He said C-SPAN would cover floor proceedings in the same manner it covers
hearings _ ''fully, accurately and with the unbiased production style on
which we've built our reputation for the past 28 years.''

Pelosi said in her response Friday, ''I believe the dignity and decorum of
the United States House of Representatives are best preserved by maintaining
the current system of televised proceedings.''

Lamb said in an interview he was ''very disappointed'' by Pelosi's decision.
He said he tried unsuccessfully to change the policy when Republicans gained
control of the House in 1995 and thought this would be another good
opportunity because Pelosi has stressed that this will be the most open and
ethical Congress in history.

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