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Samples of Client Projects

The following highlights some recent research projects conducted by Thomas Research.

 * Developed the research and supporting documentation to stop a multi-million dollar public subsidy for a convention center hotel in Dallas.
 * Conducted in-depth research analysis of state agencies under sunset review by the 1997 Texas legislature. Specifically, this research was targeted at identifying opportunities to privatize state agency programs. Parts of the research findings were reported in a
January 8, 1997 Wall Street Journal article.
 * Conducted in-depth research to construct a detailed profile on each member of the federal Surface Transportation Board for a Texas consortium. These profiles were used in designing the consortium's arguments to the Board on the proposed $5.4 billion merger between Union Pacific Corporation and Southern Pacific Corporation.
 * Performed over 300 hours of legislative history and intent research on tax increment financing laws, spanning 20 years. This research is the foundation for a multi-million dollar lawsuit.
 * Developed the public policy analysis submitted to the Comptroller of Currency for First Bank System's proposed merger with Marquette Banks. This analysis successfully provided the theoretical and statistical justification for including non-traditional financial institutions in the Department of Justice's examination of market concentration.
 * Conducted the social and economic analysis for an Environmental Impact Statement on the Mayo Foundation's proposed medical waste incinerator.
 * Conducted an in-depth study, including questionnaire development, on the issues and trends of affordable housing in the suburbs surrounding Minneapolis, Minnesota. This project included over 300 hours of work and resulted in a 100 page report. (See Star-Tribune news article.)
 * Performed statistical analysis of the relationship between a community's median income, median home valuation and their property tax burden in Minnesota.
 * Analyzed public school financing, expenditures and statistical trend analysis.

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