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 Update on the World's Health Needs
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"We're richer when we give and poorer when we keep!"
- Author Unknown-


TOTAL DEVASTATION - those are the words that best describe the areas affected by Hurricane Georges' fury. From St. Kitts, the tiniest Caribbean Island, all the way to the US affected areas, Georges truly left his mark of death and destruction. Because of long-term agency partnerships in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and because these were the most every affected areas, MAP has been actively shipping your relief supplies into these areas. All of St. Kitts' medical facilities were destroyed, so your relief supplies are also being shipped there.

At present, you have assisted us in supplying over 25 tons of lifesaving product for Georges relief efforts! Our work in these areas has now been classified as long-term, life-sustainable relief work. I will take months and in some cases years, to rebuild and resupply the healthcare structures in some of the poorest countries in the world. Together, with your help, we can make this possible! Thank you for what you have provided and will continue to provide during this time of rebuilding lives.



Of all MAP's relief efforts to date, we believe responding to this volcano is a first! The Guagua Pichincha Volcano surrounds Quito, Ecuador and last erupted in the 1600's. At present, the 1.4 million people living in and around the capital city will be affected by this active volcano.

An urgent plea for assistance was received for our MAP-LA office director, Mauricio Solis, as their office is located only 3-4 miles from this active volcano. We responded to this pleas for assistance by strategically placing a small amount of items-masks, eye protectors, eye medications, medical supplies, etc - in easily accessible locations for use when the volcano erupts. This will enable our MAP personnel to effectively assist the people of Quito, as the area will be covered in deadly ash and all water and food will be chemically polluted when this event occurs.

Unfortunately, no one can predict exactly when a volcano will erupt; however, the Quito city government, in connection with the Ecuadorian Geophysical Institute, has announced that it will continue to issue daily reports on the situation. With your help MAP can continue to supply items that will be needed when this disaster occurs.


Steve Meier 912-280-6642     Elise Van Allen (732) 821-7042
      smeier@map.org                 lodestar_intl@earthlink.net

Patti Sandow (912) 280-6641  Connie Schriver (912) 280-6644
psandow@map.org                        cschriver@map.org

URGENT PRODUCT NEEDS: ** Essential medicines and medical supplies of ALL kinds are needed! **

"You Expect Results from a Billion Dollar Global Partnership"

This is the headline for a new advertisement jointly developed by MAP and PhRMA. The ad recognizes MAP's milestone of sending over $1 billion in medical humanitarian aid to the world' poor, one person at a time, because of the generosity of America's pharmaceutical companies. Look for the ad in the following newspapers and publications:

  • The Washington Post - Oct. 12, 16, & 21

  • Roll Call - Monday, Oct. 21

  • The Weekly Standard - Oct. 21

  • The Economist - Monday, Nov. 9

  • The new Republic - Nov. 9

  • National Review - Nov. 9

  • Pharmaceutical Executive - Nov. issue


41 Nations served last month!

With your help, medicines and medical supplies were shipped to these nations during September: Latin America & Caribbean: Bolivia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Suriname; Africa: Central African Rep., Chad, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Niger, Republic of Congo, Sudan, Togo, Zambia; Asia/Pacific: Bahrain, Bangladesh, China, Indonesia, Nepal, North Korea, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, South Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Yemen; Eastern Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Republic of Georgia, Romania, Russia, Ukraine.

Lifeline Archives

August 1998
September 1998

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MAP International is a nonprofit Christian relief and development organization.
Contact us in the U.S. at mapus@map.org or 800-225-8550.

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