[widdershins] Amazing... and yet we still survive...

nicolas vigier boklm at mars-attacks.org
Wed Oct 13 15:12:14 EDT 2004

On Thu, 14 Oct 2004, Ben McGinnes wrote:

> nicolas vigier(boklm at mars-attacks.org)@Wed, Oct 13, 2004 at 06:59:30PM +0200:
> > On Tue, 12 Oct 2004, drag sidious wrote:
> > 
> > > myself to the EU or China's government myself. I can do and say things
> > > in this country that would get me arrested in countries with lesser
> > > garentees on free speech, such as Germany or France. Stuff that.
> > 
> > Hmm, are you sure there are less garentees on free speech in Germany and
> > France ? At least there is not (yet ?) something like DMCA.
> Yeah, both of those countries have some interesting legacies from
> World War II.  Or rather, from immediately following the war.  Certain
> restrictions meant to prevent the rise of Nazism again, particularly
> in Germany.
> As for France, it's had some pro-secular/anti-religion laws since the
> Revolution (ref. no Muslim scarves in schools).

Yes, overt religious symbols are not allowed in public schools, but you
are free to do what you want outside school, or in private schools.
I don't really think we can talk about lesser garentees on free speech
because of this law, you are still free to have the religion you like.

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