[sticklist] - The VFMA&C Trivia Quiz

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Sat Mar 8 17:27:25 UTC 2008

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Announcement of the VFMA&C Trivia Quiz

Think you know all there is to know about Valley Forge's history,
customs, traditions, former staff and faculty, alumni, buildings, and

Think again!  
ContinentalOnLine (www.continentalonline.org) is pleased to announce a VF
Trivia Quiz that will award a prize for the first person to correctly
answer the five questions that will be posted each week.  The contest will
begin Monday, March 10.  The quiz will be located under the category Alumni
Are Talking in a forum entitled VF Trivia Quiz.  Every Monday, five new
questions covering various categories will be posted.  If you know the
answers, be sure to promptly submit them to Susan Rapp.  The first
responder that includes all correct answers in an e-mail will win a
fabulous prize!
The rules for the Quiz are listed below.

1.     Five questions will be posted every Monday morning under the thread
entitled "Weekly Trivia Contest" and answers will be provided every

2.     Quiz participants should e-mail their numbered responses to
sr19380 at yahoo.com.  The first e-mail that includes all correct answers in
the order in which the questions were presented will be the winner.  To
receive your prize, include your mailing address.

3.     Contestants can only win once per month.

4.     Additional questions (with correct answers) may be submitted to the
e-mail address in rule #2.  The quiz committee reserves the right to modify
the questions, if necessary.

5.     All questions included in the quiz are the property of
ContinentalOnLine and may not be reproduced without the written permission
of the website's administration.

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