[sticklist] - Choir Robe Project Met its Goal!

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Tue Apr 15 00:38:44 UTC 2008

Hash: SHA1

Sent on behalf of ContinentalOnline.  BTW, I think this was accomplished in
only 2 or 3 short weeks.  Great job to all involved.....see what alums can
do?     --rick '90'92C

The Choir Robe Project Has Met its Goal!

Dear Alumni and Friends,

It is our great pleasure to inform you that the Choir Robe Project has met
its goal!  In fact, we learned late today that we exceeded the amount by a
few hundred dollars needed to purchase all fifty choir robes.  Therefore,
the administrators and moderators who all donated to the project have
allocated their gifts to the Chaplain for his efforts to re-leather the
1961 Moller pipe organ that is in serious need of repair.  Anyone who
wishes to still make a gift may do so and have it directed to the efforts
to restore this magnificent instrument.

We want to thank all of the donors to this important project.  Your support
has amply demonstrated your desire that Valley Forge maintain the wonderful
pageantry that is synonymous with the Chapel services.  Thank you.

A list of all of the donors will be made as soon as our acknowledgements
have been sent to each.

Again, thank you for your most generous support of this project.

Courage, Honor, Conquer.

Joseph, Tom, Paul, Susan, John, and Dan

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