[sticklist] - Resignation of Jack Wyatt '57 from VF BOT

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Sep 7 15:31:14 UTC 2007

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Gentlemen --

I regret to inform you that Jack Wyatt '57 has announced his decision to
resign from the VFMAC Board of Trustees effective immediately.  On behalf
of all alumni, I thank Jack for his years of dedicated service in a variety
of roles both to Valley Forge and to the Alumni Association. I wish him all
the best in his retirement and look forward to seeing him again on-post in
the future. 

Thank you, Jack!

- - -- Rick Forno '90 '92C

< --- >

From: Rapp, John 
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 7:27 AM
To: 'Jack Wyatt'; Bill Floyd; Tony McGeorge
Cc: Bill Beute
Subject: RE: BOT Resignation

Dear Jack, 

I am sorry to see you leave the BOT. Your contributions of talent, time and
dedication to the Forge will not be questioned. One of the proudest moments
that I have had was recognizing and handing you the Outstanding Alumnus
Award at this past Alumni Weekend.  It has been my pleasure working with
you, and as time permits, I still look forward to working with you in the

Many Thanks!
Courage, Honor, Conquer

< --- >

From: Jack Wyatt
Sent: Thursday, September 06, 2007 6:32 PM
To: Bill Floyd; McGeorge, Tony
Cc: Bill Beute; John Rapp

Bill and Tony - 

For a variety of reasons, among them some proposed policy changes,
attitudes toward the alumni and the Alumni Association and it's leaders,
and most importantly, at the urging of my doctor and the insistence of my
wife, I am resigning from the Board of Trustees of the VFMA Foundation and
any affiliated committees, effective immediately.  Other demands on my time
and energy are much more important to me right now, particularly since I am
no longer "appropriately aligned" with the Chair and apparently, several
others on the BOT.  It is no longer enjoyable to be a trustee.

My activity with, and serving as president and chairman of the VF Alumni
Association, and my three years on the Board of Trustees, up until
recently, were very enjoyable and, I felt, very productive.

I will continue to be as active as possible with the Alumni groups and will
always be an active, proud, contributing and participating member of the
VFMA&C alumni family.  I was an alumnus long before I was a trustee and
will never back away from the experience and pride of being part of VF
alumni family.  The alumni, if given half a chance by those in positions of
authority, can help to rebuild VFMA&C.  The administration and the BOT
obviously can't do it alone.  I fell that the BOT needs the alumni a lot
more than the alumni needs the BOT.

I hope my loyalty and devotion to Valley Forge and it's mission, is never
questioned.  It has been, is now, and always will be, unequaled by anyone.

I hope you have a great day today and VF has a great future.

Jack Wyatt, Class of 1957
Past President & Chairman,
VFMA&C Alumni Association

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