[sticklist] - Philly News article & official VF response

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Oct 19 00:46:28 UTC 2007

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Gentlemen --

The following article appeared in the Philly news this week, and is being
 distributed to the Sticklist for your information.

Battle lines drawn at Valley Forge Military Academy

In response to this (and other) increased media interest in VFMAC over the
past few weeks on a variety of issues, the following statement was released
this afternoon by the school.

I pass along both to you as an FYI without comment.

- -Rick '90 '92C

< - >

From: Myers, Jennifer [mailto:JMyers at vfmac.edu]
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 4:09 PM
To: Myers, Jennifer
Subject: VFMA&C Message from the Chairman of the Board & President
Dear VFMA&C Community,
We continue to be dismayed by the unprecedented scrutiny of Valley Forge
Military Academy & College playing out in a few news articles this week.
We want to personally assure you that the safety and well-being of our
cadets, remains our top priority.  As anyone connected to our school knows,
any form of misbehavior is addressed firmly and fairly. While these
articles have referred to VFMA&C as an Œelite academy¹ and Œpremiere
training ground for the nation¹s military elite¹ in full, these
articles do not reflect the honor and teamwork we see on campus every day.
Our controlled environment is one of our strongest assets. That is why we
monitor our cadets at all times.
It¹s important that you understand the context for this aggression we see
in the news.  The articles are a direct result of the efforts of a small
faction of estranged alumni that has mounted a hate campaign against our
school.  Until now, we have refused to engage these extremists who hide
their identities behind cowardly code names in online chat rooms.  However,
to protect the reputation of this great institution and the bright future
in front of us, it is time for us to expose their true intentions.
These people have dug in on obsolete issues, and failed to support our
vision for bringing the school into the 21st century.  We can trace their
actions almost to the day when we opened our doors to women.  The admission
of women was widely held as a positive and necessary step for our growth.
Since that time, their anger has only intensified. Recently, they have
resorted to attacking specific staff and our family members.  We tried to
act with patience, deliberation and restraint in coping with this
destructive group. We have openly responded to legitimate inquiries, met
with individuals and made informative open and available. At best, we have
made only limited progress.  These dissidents continue to manufacture one
lurid situation after another. But this will not distract us from our
vision for the Forge.
We must all fill ourselves with resolve to go through these difficult times
while keeping our focus on the vision we have created for the school.
We extend our sincere gratitude to those of you who support the school and
we know that our long-standing traditions will continue.
Bill Floyd                                 Tony McGeorge
Chairman                                 President
Board of Trustees                     VFMA&C

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