[Infowarrior] - More CBS 'excellence' on television #onlyCBS

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Feb 1 20:25:36 CST 2013

CBS Bans SodaStream Ad. Where's The Outrage?

CBS banned SodaStream’s Super Bowl spot because, apparently, it was too much of a direct hit to two of its biggest sponsors, Coke and Pepsi.

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Now, CBS has essentially opened the door for its biggest advertisers to forever complain about those “annoying little competitors” that are trying to steal share. “Take them off the air. Make them stop!” is what  they will scream. “You did it for Coke and Pepsi.”

And it won’t only be CBS. All media will have to bear the burden of this biased, un-capitalistic, anti-progress, move. But, guess what? This isn’t the first time in recent months CBS has overplayed its hand.

Add the fact CBS banned the Dish Network “Hopper” and now we’ve got ourselves a trend.

You heard about this, I’m sure. CBS forced the staff at CNET to change the winner of “Best In Show” at CES this year because, presumably, the technology which had already won the honor, if successful, would mean less money for CBS. It was Dish Network’s “Hopper” technology which allows viewers to skip entire advertising pods with one click. Forbes Contributor, Erik Kain, wrote a great expose on this scandal recently, “CBS Forced CNET To Drop Its ‘Best Of CES 2013′ Winner, The Dish Hopper.”

So, we can now see what drives “CBS Standards & Practices.” It’s not freedom to express. It’s not truth in advertising. It’s not liberal causes (as Bogusky intimated, SodaStream is far better for the environment because it reduces trash). No, what drives CBS is money.

Another advertising expert I called was John Elder, President of Heat Advertising. He put CBS’s intentions this way, “If they are willing to make a public move like this involving a third party, what else is happening inside CBS that we never hear about?”

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Just because i'm near the punchbowl doesn't mean I'm also drinking from it.

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