[Infowarrior] - When will TSA quit apologising?

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Mon Mar 19 09:30:42 CDT 2012

Another episode of TSA Screening Stupidity(tm) .... at what point will the agency be forced to change its processes instead of making its retroactive apologies (or Blogger Bob explanations) their default practice?  -- rick

Father's outrage as TSA subjects his wheelchair-bound three-year-old son to humiliating search... on his way to Disney

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 00:54 EST, 19 March 2012 | UPDATED: 09:09 EST, 19 March 2012


Passengers at airports can now avoid TSA pat downs, long lines and can carry liquids on board by paying $100.

However, the TSA's new fast track 'Precheck' screening is likely to rile the family of a wheel-chair bound toddler who was recently subjected to invasive security checks. 

Unlike the background check passengers in the scheme, who will be able to skip screening, the three-year-old was stopped at O'Hare Airport in Chicago. 

The wheel-chair bound three-year-old boy was stopped at O'Hare Airport in Chicago and subjected to invasive checks

Despite constant assurances from his father that 'everything is ok', he physically trembles with fear and asks his parents to hold his hand

On his way to a family vacation in Disney, the terrified boy, who was in a cast for a broken leg, underwent an invasive pat down and was swabbed for explosive residue. 

Despite constant assurances from his father that 'everything is ok', he physically trembles with fear and asks his parents to hold his hand. 

His outraged father filmed the whole process and it has been posted on YouTube.

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