[Infowarrior] - Suicide bomb plot suspect 'volunteered as British Airways cabin crew'

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Mar 12 20:26:46 UTC 2010

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Duane Schell <daschell at inetassoc.com>
> Date: March 12, 2010 3:20:35 PM EST
> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article7058145.ece?print=yes&randnum=1268425079716
> From Times Online
> March 11, 2010
> Suicide bomb plot suspect 'volunteered as British Airways cabin crew'
> *By Nico Hines *
> A British Airways computer expert charged with terror offences  
> planned to take advantage of a strike by BA staff to become a  
> temporary member of the cabin crew, a court heard today.
> Rajib Karim, 30, from Newcastle upon Tyne, faces three charges under  
> counter terrorism legislation. He is accused of two counts of  
> planning suicide bombings and his own martyrdom.
> It is alleged that Mr Karim came to Britain, obtained a passport and  
> secured a job at the airline as part of the conspiracy.
> Prosecutor Colin Gibbs told City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court  
> that the charge sheet alleges he shared information about his work,  
> including security measures, and offered to take advantage of  
> planned strikes by BA staff to join the airline’s cabin crew.
> Anti-terrorist sources told The Times last night that investigations  
> were continuing into possible contact between Mr Karim and militants  
> in Yemen from where al-Qaeda launched its failed attempt to bring  
> down a US airliner over Detroit at Christmas.
> The terror threat level in Britain was raised to “severe” in January  
> after the attempted Detroit attack which was allegedly carried out  
> by Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a former student at University College  
> London, who had explosives sewn into his underwear.
> The computer expert also faces a charge alleging that he collected  
> money and transferred it through trusted associates and wire  
> services to terrorist associates overseas. The offences are alleged  
> to have taken place between April 2006 and February this year.
> Mr Karim was arrested by officers from Scotland Yard’s Counter  
> Terrorism Command, working with colleagues in the north east of  
> England, on February 25.
> They raided the office complex where he worked in Newcastle as a  
> computer software developer and searched his home in the city.
> Forensic specialists are continuing to sift through hundreds of  
> files held on computers seized from his workplace and home.
> Urgent inquiries are also understood to be under way in Bangladesh,  
> Pakistan and Yemen to trace the others allegedly involved.
> Mr Karim, a well-built man with a thin beard and close-cropped hair,  
> spoke only to confirm his name and date of birth during the 15- 
> minute hearing. He wore a black fleece.
> His solicitor James Nicolls said he did not want his client’s  
> address made public over fears of reprisal attacks against his young  
> family. He did not apply for bail.
> District Judge Timothy Workman remanded Mr Karim in custody and  
> adjourned the case until March 26 at the Old Bailey.
> Scotland Yard also arrested three men in Slough, Berkshire, during  
> the inquiry.
> They were released without charge on Tuesday.

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