[Infowarrior] - U.S. News Media in Quite a State

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Thu Mar 20 02:45:05 UTC 2008

U.S. News Media in Quite a State
Topics: international | internet | journalism | media | war/peace
Source: Project for Excellence in Journalism, March 16, 2008

"The state of the American news media in 2008 is more troubled than a year
ago," opens the latest "State of the News Media" report from the Project for
Excellence in Journalism. Among the major findings is that the Internet is
not yet the democratizing media force many hoped for. "Even with so many new
sources, more people now consume what old media newsrooms produce,
particularly from print, than before," the report states. A detailed
analysis of the news stories covered in 2007 found that "the media and the
public often disagreed about which stories were important," and that U.S.
media mostly ignored the rest of the world. Even though 2007 "was the
deadliest for American forces in Afghanistan since that war began," less
than one percent of international news dealt with that country. And
journalists are more pessimistic, especially about "cutbacks in the
newsroom" and the "broken economic model" for many news operations.

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