[Infowarrior] - Army Information Operations Primer Updated

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Mar 19 00:24:50 UTC 2008

FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 2008
Information Operations Primer Updated

The U.S. Army War College has issued a revised and updated Information
Operations Primer, AY08 Edition, December 2007. The 178 page pdf is
freely accessible at

"This document provides an overview of Department of Defense (DOD)
Information Operations (IO) doctrine and organizations at the joint and
individual service levels. It begins with an overview of Information
Operations. It then examines the critical concept of information
superiority presented in Joint Vision 2020. Current IO Doctrine at the
joint and service levels are then summarized. Relevant organizations
dedicated to the IO are identified along with their respective missions
and capabilities. Finally, the document concludes with an overview of
Information Operations Conditions (INFOCONS) and an IO specific

The Information Operations Primer is intended to serve students and
staff of the US Army War College as a ready reference for IO information
extracted and summarized from a variety of sources. Wherever possible,
internet web sites have been given to provide access to additional and
more up-to-date information. The book is intentionally UNCLASSIFIED so
that the material can easily be referenced during course work, while
engaged in exercises, and later in subsequent assignments."

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