[Infowarrior] - Self destructing laptop technology

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Feb 20 13:16:25 UTC 2008

Virtuity offers self destructing laptop technology
Data wiped if machine moves from safe zone


NEWS: 19 February 2008 16:35 GMT by Amy-Mae Elliott

A British company has developed an intelligent security technology that can
block access and destroy data if a laptop is moved from its designated

Backstopp, from technology company, Virtuity, constantly monitors the
electronic "heartbeat" of a laptop to determine its location. If the laptop
is moved from its allowed zone the software steps in to remove sensitive

Backstopp can use any wireless communication, such as Wi-Fi, to locate
laptops. The PCs can also be tagged with RFID chips to monitor movement when
switched off to make the safe zone even smaller.

If a laptop is reported missing, or if the "control centre" concludes that
the machine is "at risk", the system seeks out the digital heartbeat and
sends a "self destruct" message.

Meanwhile the software on the laptop can use any in-built webcam to start
taking a series of photographs to help with identification of the culprit,
uploading the images as soon as any network becomes available. The system is
completely invisible to the thief.

Prices start at £10 a laptop per month. 

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