[Infowarrior] - NBC: A Lesson in Media Economics

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Aug 22 14:04:26 UTC 2008

Interesting take on the NBC News Division's coverage during the  
Olympics from a WaPo reporter.   --rf

The WaPo reporter starts off with this entry:

NBC News: Olympic Tout?

< - >

In other words, "Nightly News," which rarely cares about sports, was  
out-reporting "SportsCenter," the leading sports-news broadcast on TV,  
about the Olympics. High-fives, NBC News!

But hold on a second.

What I was really witnessing was a little lesson in media economics.  
The contrasting priorities of "SportsCenter" and NBC tell you loads  
about how money can drive the TV news agenda.

< - >

.... and then....

NBC News Responds

(at which point the WaPo reporter takes 'em to task)

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