[Infowarrior] - OT: DC "trousers" judge loses job

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Nov 14 13:38:03 UTC 2007

Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!!!  --rf


Judge Who Sued Over Pants Loses Job

8 hours ago

WASHINGTON (AP) ‹ A judge who lost a $54 million lawsuit against his dry
cleaner over a pair of missing pants has lost his job, District of Columbia
officials said.

Roy Pearson's term as an administrative law judge expired May 2 and the D.C.
Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges has voted
not to reappoint him, Lisa Coleman, the city's general counsel, wrote Nov. 8
in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Associated

Pearson was one of about 30 judges who worked in the Office of
Administrative Hearings, which handles disputes involving city agencies. He
had held his position for two years.

The Washington Post and The (Washington) Examiner, citing sources familiar
with the case, reported the commission's decision last month.

Pearson's lawsuit in D.C. Superior Court claimed Custom Cleaners, owned by
South Korean immigrants, did not live up to Pearson's expectations of
"Satisfaction Guaranteed," as advertised in store windows.

Pearson demanded repayment for the lost pants, as well as damages for
inconvenience, mental anguish and attorney's fees for representing himself.
He calculated his losses initially at $67 million but lowered his request to
$54 million.

Pearson did not immediately respond to an e-mail from The Associated Press
requesting comment.

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