[Infowarrior] - Cyberfearism story

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri May 25 03:10:06 UTC 2007

Estonia notwithstanding, it's been a while since we had a scary gloom-n-doom
cyberfearism story......rf


Attack of the cyber terrorists

At first it would be no more than a nuisance. No burning skyscrapers, no
underground explosions, just a million electronic irritations up and down
the land.

Thousands of government web pages suddenly vanish to be replaced with the
Internet's version of the Testcard - that dreaded screen '404 - Not Found'
or, more amusingly, some pastiche or parody.

Then the Labour website starts to promise a wholesale renationalisation of
the railways. The popular response this generates turns to amusement then
bemusement as everything from Jaguar to BT is, the sites claim, to be taken
back into state hands.

< - >


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