[Infowarrior] - Privacy for Internet Names Moves Forward

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Wed Mar 21 02:47:14 UTC 2007

Privacy for Internet Names Moves Forward
Tuesday March 20, 9:11 pm ET
By Anick Jesdanun, AP Internet Writer
Internet Domain Name Body Inches Forward in Relaxing Contact Disclosure


NEW YORK (AP) -- Many owners of Internet addresses face this quandary:
Provide your real contact information when you register a domain name and
subject yourself to junk or harassment. Or enter fake data and risk losing
it outright.

Help may be on the way as a key task force last week endorsed a proposal
that would give more privacy options to small businesses, individuals with
personal Web sites and other domain name owners.

"At the end of the day, they are not going to have personal contact
information on public display," said Ross Rader, a task force member and
director of retail services for registration company Tucows Inc. "That's the
big change for domain name owners."

At issue is a publicly available database known as Whois. With it, anyone
can find out the full names, organizations, postal and e-mail addresses and
phone numbers behind domain names.

Hearings on the changes are expected next week in Lisbon, Portugal, before
the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN, the main
oversight agency for Internet addresses.

Resolution, however, could take several more months or even years, with
crucial details on implementation still unsettled and a vocal minority
backing an alternative.

Under the endorsed proposal -- some six years in the making -- domain name
registrants would be able to list third-party contact information in place
of their own -- to the chagrin of businesses and intellectual-property
lawyers worried that cybersquatters and scam artists could more easily hide
their identities.

"It would just make it that much more difficult and costly to find out who's
behind a name," said Miriam Karlin, manager of legal affairs for
International Data Group Inc., publisher of PC World and other magazines.
She said she looks up Whois data daily to pursue trademark and copyright

Privacy wasn't a big consideration when the current addressing system
started in the 1980s. Back then, government and university researchers who
dominated the Internet knew one another and didn't mind sharing personal
details to resolve technical problems.

Today, the Whois database is used for much more. Law-enforcement officials
and Internet service providers use it to fight fraud and hacking. Lawyers
depend on it to chase trademark and copyright violators. Journalists rely on
it to reach Web site owners. And spammers mine it to send junk mailings for
Web site hosting and other services.

And Internet users have come to expect more privacy and even anonymity.
Small businesses work out of homes. Individuals use Web sites to criticize
large corporations or government officials. The Whois database, for many,
reveals too much.

The requirements for domain name owners to provide such details also
contradict, in some cases, European privacy laws that are stricter than
those in the United States.

Registration companies generally don't check contact information for
accuracy, but submitting fake data could result in missing important service
and renewal notices. It also could be grounds for terminating a domain name.

Over the past few years, some companies have been offering proxy services,
for a fee, letting domain name owners list the proxy rather than themselves
as the contact.

It's akin to an unlisted phone number, though with questionable legal
status. The U.S. government has banned proxies entirely for addresses ending
in ".us," even after many had already registered names behind them.

Critics also complain that such services can be too quick or too slow --
depending on whom you ask -- in revealing identities under legal pressure.

"Right now there's no regulation, no accreditation, no standards," said
Margie Milam, general counsel for MarkMonitor, a brand-protection firm.
"Some can take weeks, which can slow down investigations."

The task force proposal, known as operational point of contact, would make
third-party contacts a standard offering. Domain name owners could list
themselves, a lawyer, a service provider or just about anyone else; that
contact would forward important communications back to the owner.

Details must still be worked out, but the domain name registrant rather than
the proxy would likely be clearly identified as the legal owner, unlike the
current, vague arrangement. ICANN's staff also pressed for more clarity on
to whom and under what circumstances the outside contact would have to
release data.

Although that proposal received a slight majority on the Whois task force,
some stakeholders including businesses and lawyers have pushed an
alternative known as special circumstances. Domain name holders would have
to make personal contact details available, as they do today, unless they
can justify a special circumstance, such as running a shelter for battered

"On the whole, society is much better off having this kind of transparency
and accountability," said Steven Metalitz, an intellectual-property lawyer
on the task force.

ICANN's Council of the Generic Names Supporting Organization plans public
hearings in Lisbon, after which it could make a recommendation or convene
another task force to tackle implementation details.

Supporters of the new proposal remain hopeful that resolution is near.

"A lot of public interest groups have been waiting a long time to see if
this process actually works or if it's just a charade," said Wendy Seltzer,
a non-voting task force member and fellow with Harvard University's Berkman
Center for Internet and Society. "If this turns out to have been for naught,
you will have a lot of frustrated people."

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