[Infowarrior] - Police blow up foul-mouthed CDs that blared in church

Richard Forno rforno at infowarrior.org
Fri Feb 23 16:30:01 EST 2007

Talk about overkill on a NON-ISSUE.......I guess the bomb squad needed to
justify their monthly quota for making things go boom.........rf

Police blow up foul-mouthed CDs that blared in church


SANTA FE, New Mexico (AP) -- Three CD players hidden under a cathedral's
pews blared sexually explicit language in the middle of an Ash Wednesday
Mass, leading a bomb squad to detonate two of the devices.

Authorities determined the music players were not dangerous and kept the
third one to check it for clues, said police Capt. Gary Johnson.

The CD players, duct-taped to the bottoms of the pews, were set to turn on
in the middle of noon Mass on Wednesday at the Roman Catholic Cathedral
Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.

The recordings, made on store-bought blank discs, featured people using foul
language and "pornographic messages," Johnson said. He would not elaborate
because of the ongoing investigation.

Church staff members took the CD players to the basement and called police,
who sent the bomb squad, Johnson said.

The bomb squad blew up two players outside and kept the third one to test
for fingerprints or DNA and trace its components, he said.

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, which marks a 40-day period of
fasting and penitence before Easter.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may
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