[Dataloss] Italian govt posts tax return information of ALL of itscitizens

macwheel99 at wowway.com macwheel99 at wowway.com
Thu May 1 21:51:27 UTC 2008

Anyone who believes that the American Soaps are a reflection of real life, 
in America or anywhere else, is living in a fantasy world.  In fact the same 
can be said for a lot of TV period.

On Thu, 1 May 2008 14:40:02 -0700, TS Glassey wrote
> Alan - seems to me that this is a pretty clear violation of the EU's 
> privacy act and that it was done by an Outgoing Politico makes it 
> criminal in form IMHO.
> I would if I was those people start demanding criminal prosecution's 
> of those responsible. But that's just my two cents.
> Todd Glassey
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Allan Friedman" <allan_friedman at ksgphd.harvard.edu>
> To: <dataloss at attrition.org>
> Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 2:00 PM
> Subject: [Dataloss] Italian govt posts tax return information of ALL 
> of itscitizens
> > This was not actually a breach, since it was intentional! Still
> > relevant for dataloss, I think.
> >
> > http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/7376608.stm
> >
> > There has been outrage in Italy after the outgoing government
> > published every Italian's declared earnings and tax contributions on
> > the internet.
> >
> > The tax authority's website was inundated by people curious to know
> > how much their neighbours, celebrities or sports stars were making.
> >
> > The Italian treasury suspended the website after a formal complaint
> > from the country's privacy watchdog.
> >
> > The information was put on the site with no warning for nearly 24 hours.
> >
> > ...
> >
> > The release of the information was one of the last acts of the
> > outgoing centre-left government and has shocked many tax-shy Italians,
> > says the BBC's Mark Duff in Milan.
> >
> > But it was also hugely popular, and within hours the site was
> > overwhelmed and impossible to access.
> >
> > The finance ministry described the move as a bid to improve transparency.
> >
> > Deputy Economic Minister Vincenzo Visco said he could not understand
> > what all the fuss was about.
> >
> > "I can't understand what the problem is," he is quoted as telling
> > Italy's Corriere della Sera newspaper.
> >
> > "This already exists all around the world, you just have to watch any
> > American soap to see that. We had the system ready by January but we
> > delayed publication to avoid arguments during the election campaign."
> >
> > But critics condemned it as an outrageous breach of privacy.
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