[Dataloss] LexisNexis Settles with FTC

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Sat Mar 29 20:32:41 UTC 2008

 From the Palm Beach Florida Post

The LexisNexis Group of British publishing giant Reed Elsevier Inc. has 
agreed to a settlement with the Federal Trade Commission over data 
breaches that compromised the personal information of thousands of 
Americans at its Seisint unit in Boca Raton.

Under the deal reached Thursday, LexisNexis agrees to maintain a 
wide-ranging data security program, to be confirmed by periodic 
third-party audits. But it avoided a stiff fine such as the one levied 
against former rival ChoicePoint, which paid $15 million to settle 
similar charges two years ago. The FTC was able to fine ChoicePoint 
because credit reports were taken, and under the Fair Credit Reporting 
Act, the agency can levy fines in those instances. With LexisNexis, no 
credit reports were taken.


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