[Dataloss] CA: San Quentin loses data on 3,500 visitors

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Sat Mar 29 17:13:40 UTC 2008


A flash memory drive containing names, birth dates and driver's license 
numbers of more than 3,500 people who either volunteered or visited San 
Quentin State Prison in a group tour has been lost, a prison official said 

The flash drive was used to move the data each evening from the prison's 
administrative office near the parking lot to computers at the two 
entrance gates to the facility to allow guards to identify volunteers or 
groups, such as college students, that tour the prison, said Samuel 
Robinson, a San Quentin spokesman.

"What happens is that we have to transport that information out to 
individual areas where we let people through" onto prison grounds, he 
said. "It's our security measure to walk the flash drive."


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