[Dataloss] Verizon SELLS 12500 unlisted phone numbers in Washington County PA

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Wed Jun 4 13:13:58 UTC 2008


HAGERSTOWN - The unlisted telephone numbers of nearly 13,000 people were 
printed in the Washington County Phone Book after Verizon inadvertently 
sold the information to the phone book publisher, a Verizon spokesman said.

Harry Mitchell, Verizon director of media relations, said Friday that 
Verizon was trying to determine how about 12,500 unlisted numbers and 
addresses, primarily of Washington County residents, were printed in the 
phone book published by Ogden Directories Inc.

"Verizon accepts responsibility," Mitchell said. "We certainly apologize 
to those customers whose numbers were published. ... We're taking 
accountability for that."

Mitchell said Verizon started calling customers Friday to tell them 
about the mistake.

Verizon will change the published numbers for free and will for a 
one-year period reimburse the $1.89 monthly cost of having an unlisted 
number, Mitchell said.

Verizon acknowledged that the mistake was "big" but said it was isolated.


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