[Dataloss] Canada: Bell probes theft of personal information on3.4 million Ont., Que. clients

Sean Steele ssteele at infolocktech.com
Wed Feb 13 04:56:19 UTC 2008

lyger wrote:
> True.  But again, should an unlisted phone number be considered personal
> or private information?  From a personal standpoint, I can see why it
> should be, but what about from a generally accepted standpoint?  New
> ground here... how "private" or "personal" are unlisted phone numbers and
> should they be held to the same standard as Social Security (or
> SIN/NIN) numbers, credit card numbers, financial account numbers, or 
> dates
> of birth?
Personal, yes. Private, absolutely. Sensitive? Probably not...

Does a breach of unlisted numbers rise to the same level as a breach of 
other data that provides actual ID theft/fraud opportunities (e.g. SSN, 
DOBs, CC #s, etc.)? I'm at a loss for explaining how it could. At worst 
you're more of a target for social engineering attacks than you were -- 
or an incrementally more complete record to be sold on the open market. 
But not much more than that.


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