[Dataloss] GA: Personal data was on missing ARMC server

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed Oct 3 11:30:43 UTC 2007


A computer missing from a Regional First Care clinic in Watkinsville held 
the personal information of more than 1,400 people, according to Athens 
Regional Health Services, the parent corporation of Athens Regional 
Medical Center and the clinic.

Workers at the 1010 Village Drive clinic first noticed on Sept. 24 that 
the Dell Optiplex GX-620 computer was missing.

The computer held Social Security numbers for 85 people, some health 
information for 545 people and the name, address and/or telephone numbers 
of 811 people, ARHS chief information officer Timothy Penning said in a 
news release Tuesday.

No credit card or other financial information was stored on the computer, 
which was a backup server for the Watkinsville clinic.


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