[Dataloss] Hackers open data of group's workers

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Tue Oct 2 11:20:56 UTC 2007


A hacker illegally gained access to a computer of The Nature Conservancy 
containing personal information on about 14, 000 people, including current 
and former Nature Conservancy employees and their dependents, the 
nonprofit organization confirmed Monday.

Those affected include 36 employees in Arkansas.

According to an e-mail the Arlington, Va., organization sent its 
employees, the hacker used a Web site to gain access to a Nature 
Conservancy computer Sept. 12.


The stolen information included the names, home addresses, Social Security 
numbers and birth dates of current and former U. S.-based employees who 
had worked at the Conservancy during the past seven years.


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