[Dataloss] OT? PCI Education Steak & Shake

blitz blitz at strikenet.kicks-ass.net
Tue May 8 20:32:44 UTC 2007

Only a fool would let the fox guard the hen house...YES, there most 
certainly needs to be third party oversight. Just like the SEC watches 
the stock market, */AND/* with similar powers of enforcement.

Kehoe, Matt wrote:
> Having just gone through this, the biggest gotcha is that tier 1
> retailers need a "3rd party assessment" which means you cant just
> execute compliance from within....
> PCI standards still leave much to be desired, but it's a good step
> forward for retailing in general... 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dataloss-bounces at attrition.org
> [mailto:dataloss-bounces at attrition.org] On Behalf Of Al Mac
> Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 8:48 AM
> To: Data Loss Incidents
> Subject: [Dataloss] OT? PCI Education Steak & Shake
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