[Dataloss] Fidelity Nat'l widens scope of theft

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Wed Jul 25 19:25:26 UTC 2007


NEW YORK (AP) - Fidelity National Information Services Inc. (NYSE:FIS) 
believes a former employee stole 8.5 million consumer records from the 
check authorizing company, more than 3 times the original estimate, 
according to a regulatory filing Wednesday.

In Wednesday's Securities and Exchange Commission filing, Fidelity said 
about 5.7 million of the records included checking account information and 
about 1.5 million included credit card records.

The new estimate is an increase of about 3.5 million checking account 
records and about 1.4 million credit card records over original 
projections. The company said it continues to believe that the records 
were only used for marketing purposes.


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