[Dataloss] fringe: Porn industry frets over security breach

security curmudgeon jericho at attrition.org
Fri Dec 28 12:44:12 UTC 2007

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From: InfoSec News <alerts at infosecnews.org>


By Lisa Friedman
Washington Bureau
LA Daily News

WASHINGTON - A New Jersey company that helps run thousands of pornography 
Web sites acknowledged a major security breach Wednesday, sparking 
widespread concern in the adult-entertainment industry that consumers' 
personal data could be endangered.

According to industry chat boards that have been buzzing about the 
problem, the violation so far appears to be limited to e-mail addresses, 
with an avalanche of spam e-mail hitting Web site customers' inboxes - 
including unique addresses created for joining specific porn sites.

John Albright, owner of the Too Much Media Corp., said in a statement 
Wednesday that no credit-card information was affected by the October 

Officials with both Visa and MasterCard said they were unaware Wednesday 
of any problems in connection with the company.

"An investigation is under way as to the cause and level of the security 
breach," Albright said in the statement. "TMM intends to prosecute to the 
fullest extent possible anyone responsible for any breach of its servers 
and programs."


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