[Dataloss] TN: Laptops Containing Voter Information Stolen

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Fri Dec 28 13:00:03 UTC 2007

slight correction, this is from the Nashville Tennessean...


Thieves broke in to the Davidson County Election Commission offices over 
the Christmas holiday and made off with computers containing the names 
and identifying information of every voter in Nashville.

The missing laptop contained names, addresses, phone numbers and the 
last Four digits of about 337,000 voters' Social Security numbers. It's 
the same information that candidates buy from the county when they're 
putting together mailing lists


lyger wrote:
> From: sysopsdan
> http://www.wsmv.com/news/14934234/detail.html
> Police said on Thursday that the Davidson County Election Commission was 
> broken into.
> [.]
> Barrett said a computer router, a cell phone, a couple of radios and two 
> laptops were taken. He said one of the laptops contained voter files on 
> every registered voter in Davidson County. The files contain information 
> such as addresses and Social Security numbers.
> [...]
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