[Dataloss] Data breech at Monster.com

Henry Brown hbrown at knology.net
Thu Aug 30 13:32:32 UTC 2007

ALSO includes data from the USAJOBS.gov


Hackers steal info on USAJOBS.gov subscribers
August 29, 2007
Hackers have stolen the names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers of 
about 146,000 subscribers to USAJOBS.gov, the Office of Personnel 
Management said Aug. 29.
The hackers accessed the information from the resume database run by 
Monster.com, which provides the technology for USAJOBS.gov, OPM said. 
Monster Worldwide told OPM that no Social Security numbers were compromised.
OPM said that because of the breach, job seekers could find themselves 
targeted by so-called “phishing” e-mails, possibly disguised as 
Monster.com or USAJOBS.gov messages. Phishing e-mails try to trick 
people into revealing sensitive information such as passwords or 
downloading malicious software.
Monster has identified and shut down the server that was accessing and 
collecting the information, OPM said.

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