[Dataloss] Personal data leaks 'worse in Australia than other regions'

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Thu Aug 16 17:00:19 UTC 2007

This just in -- Rich Mogull has X-Ray vision!  :^)

The headline is misleading.  He didn't say it *is* worse, he
said that he knows it exists and that it *could* be worse.

As many of us have been saying for years, the hidden part of
the iceberg is the part we need to learn more about.


On Thu, Aug 16, 2007 at 01:22:22PM +0000, lyger wrote:
> (Interesting article considering only three incidents out of 759 in the 
> Data Loss Database - Open Source were reported from Australia...)
> http://www.securecomputing.net.au/news/59136,personal-data-leaks-worse-in-australia-than-other-regions.aspx
> Corporate data breaches - which can lead to identity theft - are occurring 
> in Australia and without disclosure laws similar to those in the US those 
> affected will never know they are at risk, claim Gartner analysts.
> Speaking at the Gartner IT Security Summit in Sydney this week, Rich 
> Mogull research VP at Gartner said he can guarantee data breaches in 
> Australia are occurring and the situation could be worse than in other 
> regions of the world -the only difference is - here it is hidden.
> "I know breaches are occurring, banks don't tell me when they have 
> breaches, the merchants don't tell me when they have breaches but I work 
> with a lot of businesses here," said Mogull.
> "Australia is not getting off easy, it's just hidden. To be honest this is 
> a harsher environment - because of the proximity to some of the Asian 
> economies where a lot of this happens," said Mogull.
> [...]
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