[Dataloss] 175 told of possible computer security incident at Purdue

lyger lyger at attrition.org
Fri Apr 27 15:22:29 UTC 2007

(from April 24, 2007)


Purdue University is informing 175 people who were students in fall 2001 
that a Web page containing information about them was inadvertently 
available on the Internet.

The page, which was no longer in use but was on a computer server 
connected to the Internet, contained names and Social Security numbers of 
students who were enrolled in a freshman engineering honors course and 
were scheduling to meet with advisers. Although forgotten, the page had 
been indexed by Internet search engines and consequently was available to 
individuals searching the Web.

The page has been removed and, at Purdue's request, Yahoo and Google have 
removed the page from their indexes and cache. Letters are in the mail to 
those potentially affected.


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