[Dataloss] Breach notice: Cooks Illustrated

Chris Walsh cwalsh at cwalsh.org
Thu Sep 21 20:54:21 EDT 2006

  I just got a Freedom of Info response from NY related to my most  
recent request.

The good folks at Cooks Illustrated report to NY that 11K NYers got  
potentially exposed.  So, 3K in NC, 11K in NY.  I'm no statistician,  
but we might be talking hundreds of thousands altogether?  Who knows,  
when they *don't have to report this centrally*.  (Thus endeth my  
rant for tonight)

I remark briefly on this latest bunch o' reports from NY at http:// 

I'll be doing data entry on all of these reports probably over the  

On Sep 16, 2006, at 7:26 PM, lyger wrote:

> Heh, since my previous email was probably confusing, I'll actually  
> finish
> this one before hitting send. :)
> First, would like to thank Chris for providing the information he  
> found
> through FOIA requests to NY and NC.  We're adding these to DLDOS as  
> we can
> find more information, and the Mortgage Lenders Network USA breach has
> been added as CW-0002.

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